Building out a smart city may be about technology and data, but it requires the involvement of our people. We asked for the public’s input and throughout our community engagement, Calgarians shared some very thoughtful and diverse challenges including, accessibility, community/neighborhood knowledge, data sharing, infrastructure investment and more.

See our community's Letters of Support:
Rainforest Alberta - Letter of Support​
Calgary Technologies Inc – Letter of Support
Cybera – Letter of Support
Drop-In Centre – Letter of Support
ENMAX – Letter of Support
Jeff Fielding City Manager – Letter of Support
Mayor Naheed Nenshi - Letter of Support

Transparent online public engagement

For the online engagement phase, we leveraged existing City of Calgary smart technology, using our Civic Innovation YYC platform. This allowed the public to participate by sharing ideas, viewing, commenting and upvoting other people’s ideas, and ranking the strongest submissions. This enabled us to identify emergent themes and prioritize challenge areas.

Review all the ideas submitted on our Civic Innovation YYC platform or view the phase three idea catalogue (PDF, 961 KB).

Smart City community workshop

In March 2018 we held a community team workshop where representatives from the community narrowed down the proposed challenges, applying community research and data previously gathered to provide suggestions for Calgary’s 50-word challenge statement for the Smart Cities Challenge.

After we went back to the public with our narrowed challenge area and asked for their big, bold, innovate ideas, our group of community experts readily provided insight into measures of success, increased our understanding of what efforts have already been initiated, and stepped forward to champion some game-changing project ideas that have come out of our discussions and started connecting the people need to make these ideas into reality.

Thank you to community team participants, along with our City of Calgary colleagues, who invested their time into the workshop, meetings, and many conversations.

  • ACAMP (Alberta Centre for Advanced Micro/Nano Technology Products)
  • Calgary Economic Development
  • Calgary Parking
  • Calgary Public Library
  • Calgary Technologies Inc
  • Chamber of Commerce
  • Cybera
  • Distress Centre 211
  • Drop-In & Rehab Centre
  • Rainforest
  • SAIT
  • United Way
  • University of Calgary

Grade 5 and 6 students engagement

We also took the opportunity to engage with Grade 5 & 6 students in person during The City of Calgary’s 2018 Safety Expo in March.

Students shared their thoughts on smart cities and what they thought Calgary’s biggest challenges were through impromptu brainstorming sessions. Their ideas were captured along with the feedback we received from Civic Innovation YYC and the community workshop.
