Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Priority Stream Pilot Program

Priority Stream Pilot Program

The City of Calgary is researching and pursuing best incentive practices to support Calgarians in their transition toward reducing greenhouse gas emission generated by buildings. In response, a priority review stream for qualified development and planning applications is being developed to:

  1.  promote local builders, trades and suppliers committed to excellence in building energy efficiency and net zero construction;
  2.  reward industry leaders by offering process-based incentives; 
  3.  advance collective understanding of opportunities and challenges associated with the approvals of energy efficient projects and facilitating net zero building construction; and 
  4.  collaborate with Calgarians along a common pathway of becoming a net zero emissions city by 2050.  

How is the program going to work?

The pilot is being designed as a voluntary program available to all complex development projects that can demonstrate their intent to build to a ‘net zero ready’ level of energy performance, or higher at the development permit stage

What are the anticipated benefits?

Qualified projects will have access to a range of non-monetary, process-based incentives including:

  • overall corporate support at the senior leadership level;
  • accelerated development permit reviews, including:
    • development site servicing plan (DSSP);
    • erosion sediment control (ESC); and
    • and preliminary assessment for building code compliance; 
  • dedicated senior staff providing general project support from development permit submission to building occupancy; 
  • project profile on; and 
  • potentially other incentives as the program further develops.

What will be the program entry requirements?

A preliminary building energy performance model, prepared by a qualified energy advisor, will have to be provided for review by The City prior to submission of a development permit. 

Once the preliminary modeling information will have been reviewed, the City may do one of the following:

a. advise that the project does not meet the minimum priority entry qualification criteria; 

b. request additional information or inquire about the submitted material to better understand the projects energy performance goals, before making a final decision; or 

c. issue a formal invitation letter to confirm that the project meets the minimum qualification criteria to enter the priority stream.


What will be the minimum building energy performance requirements?

The program will accept all development projects that can demonstrate their intent and ability to achieve the minimum building energy performance identified in one of the following pathways:

Pathway A

Net zero ready buildings.

Pathway B

All projects committed to meeting the requirements of nationally recognized energy labeling and certification programs including, but not limited to:

a.  Net Zero and Net Zero Ready Home Labels (Canadian Home Builders’ Association);

b.  Passive House Plus, Premium (Passive House Canada, Passive House US); and

c.  Net Zero Carbon Building (Canada Green Building Council).

Pathway C

All projects committed to meeting the minimum requirements of:

a.  Tier IV of the National Building Code of Canada 2020; and

b.  Tier III of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings 2020.    

Where do I start?

Step 1- Contact the Program Coordinator to determine your project eligibility

  • The initial submission must include a high-level project overview, and preliminary building performance target the intended development will strive to achieve.

Step 2 - Request a pre-application meeting

  • In additional to the standard DART pre-application requirements, the submission must include:

i.     request to enter the net zero priority stream program;

ii.     anticipated building performance standard to be pursued;

iii.     anticipated building design measures and/or components required to achieve the intended building performance.

iv.     anticipated qualified energy advisor / consultant

v.     anticipated land use bylaw relaxations required to achieve to the intended building performance

Step 3
– Receive an invitation to participate in the program

  • The Program Coordinator will issue an invitation letter specifying the program benefits and commitments 
  • Depending on the specific timing requirements of each project, a custom review timeline will be developed and shared with the applicant 

Step 4 - Submit a development permit application

  • In additional to the standard DART development permit requirements, the submission must include:

i.     building performance model prepared by a qualified Energy Advisor; and

ii.     preliminary list of Energy Conservation Measures proposed to achieve the intended building performance.

Step 5 – Priority file announcement        

Step 6 – Development Permit condition re: building energy performance

  • Work with DART and the Program Coordinator to develop a project specific condition related to the target building performance. 

Project timeline

  • Q1 of 2022: For the first phase of this program, City staff partnered with Avalon Master Builder to pilot the Net Zero Development Priority Stream review model, and further refine the intended pilot program before it can be made available to all applicants. 
  • Q4 of 2022: Net Zero Development Priority Stream Pilot Program is communicated to development industry, Council and other stakeholders. 
  • Full program details such as who may participate or what is required to to qualify how to qualify to participate, how to apply to participate and the process to participatewill be communicated on this webpage once the program details have been finalized.

Benefits of net zero buildings

  • Lower energy bills by requiring less energy to heat and cool homes through better windows, doors and insulation.
  • Improve in-home health and comfort conditions through better mechanical equipment and air circulation. 
  • Reduce in-home noise levels through better airtightness.

Approved projects

  • Arbour Lake West – Avalon Master Builder 

