Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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City of Calgary electricity procurement

100 per cent renewable electricity for City operations

On track

On track

The City is on track through its current electricity contract, which procures 100 per cent renewable electricity for City operations. Work is underway to continue this energy procurement target past the current contract expiration of 2026.

The City of Calgary is taking action in powering its own operations. 

In 2009, The City made the decision to purchase 100 per cent of its electricity needs from renewable sources and is committed to continue this after the existing agreement with ENMAX ends in 2026. 

The renewable energy certificates are ECOLOGO® Certified and come from ENMAX owned wind assets and other renewable energy sources.

In 2022, almost 100 City-owned and operated buildings’ energy performance were tracked through the Commercial and Institutional Building Energy Benchmarking Program. Over 21,900 tonnes of CO2e were avoided through on-site renewable electricity generation and the off-site renewable electricity purchases for operating these buildings. That’s equivalent to the CO2 emissions from over 6,000 passenger vehicles! 

(Sources: Building Energy Benchmarking | Open Calgary Database, NRCan GHG Equivalencies Calculator

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Alberta is a windy and sunny province

Significant growth is expected for wind and solar generation in Alberta, with more than 2,000 MW of new projects added between 2019 and 2023. (Source: Natural Resources Canada)

Within City limits, there are a number of sites that generate renewable electricity. Some examples include:

  • Shepard Landfill Solar Project 
  • Bearspaw Water Treatment Plant Solar Project 
  • Glenmore Water Treatment Plant Solar Project

Check out The City’s Sustainable Infrastructure Map to view the solar projects installed across the city.

Solar installation at the 69th Street Station Park’N’Ride
Solar installation at the 69th Street Station Park’N’Ride

Plans and strategies

Fulfilling the 2023-2026 Climate Implementation Plan

Focus Area: Energy Supply

Supporting Calgary’s Climate Strategy 

Theme: Zero carbon energy transition
