Cost of city services
City tax-supported services cost $6.24 a day for a typical Calgary household.
The municipal portion (65 per cent of your property tax bill) funds high-quality City services and programs that Calgarians value and use every day.
For a further breakdown visit
Learn more about municipal tax-supported services:
- Affordable Housing: Safe and affordable homes for lower-income Calgarians
- Citizen Engagement & Insight: Safe, fair & accessible feedback & participation in our government
- Fire & Emergency Response: Responds to fires, emergencies, accidents, hazards & specialized rescues
- Police Services: Crime prevention and education, law enforcement and criminal investigations to make Calgary a safer place.
- Public Transit: Safe, effective, reliable and affordable public transportation. Including supporting specialized transit.
- Streets: Building & maintaining Calgary streets, & keeping you safe with reliable roads
- Sidewalks & Pathways: Plans, designs, builds & maintains sidewalks & pathways to keep you moving
- Parks & Open Space: Manages Calgary's parks, urban green spaces and natural areas. In addition cemeteries and urban forestry services.
- Recreation Opportunities: Recreation, sports & leisure & registered programs for a healthy Calgary
- Social Programs: Services in communities to support, protect and enrich Calgarians' lives