Real Estate & Development Services

An existing encroachment extending onto City-owned land (non-park land) or a street by greater than 3 metres is not eligible for an encroachment agreement. In these situations, the existing encroachment(s) may still be eligible for a landscape license. The cost of a landscape license is a one-time fee of $1,500.00 plus GST. In addition, the area being occupied by the encroachment(s) is subject to the assessment of additional municipal property taxes. A landscape license runs with ownership, and with every transfer of ownership, a new landscape license with fee is required. The three-stage process (application, approval, agreement) to request a landscape license is outlined below.

Application stages


If you have been notified by the Encroachment team that you are not eligible for an encroachment agreement for an existing encroachment(s), but that you may apply for a landscape license, please follow the steps outlined below.

Step 1: Email a copy of your Real Property Report to and mention that you would like to obtain a landscape license.

Step 2: A team member will respond to your email with a landscape license application form and instructions.

Step 3: Submit your completed landscape license application form with required documents to


Step 4: An internal circulation is completed to City business units and/or utility providers to determine if the proposed landscape license is acceptable.

Step 5: You will be notified of the outcome of the circulation. There are two possible outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: If there are objections to the circulation, the landscape license is not possible. The Encroachment team will provide you with further instructions on removing the encroachment(s).
  • Outcome 2: If there are no objections to the circulation, the Land Administration team will contact you with further instructions. Move to Step 6.

Step 6: The Land Administration team will seek corporate approval of the landscape license.


Step 7: Once corporate approval is obtained, the Land Administration team will prepare the landscape license agreement and send it to the registered owner(s) of the property for execution. It is at this time that you will receive instructions on how to pay the landscape license fee.

Step 8: Once the landscape license agreement has been signed by the registered owner(s) of the property, it will be signed by The City of Calgary and a fully executed copy will be sent to you for your records.

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