Transit Watch - Text Service

Every Calgary Transit customer deserves to feel safe when riding with us.
To report a Transit safety concern text 74100 or use the help phone/button on CTrains and platforms.
For emergencies call 9-1-1.
How does the text service work?
- Send a text message to 74100 with your immediate safety/security concern. Emergencies should always be reported to 911.
- Provide as much detail as possible: Who? What? When? Where? How?
- The message will immediately be received by our staff. We will acknowledge the receipt of your text and likely have follow-up questions.
- We can receive images or video clips through our text number service.
Where are help phones/buttons located?
- Help phones/buttons are available 24/7 and are placed in strategic locations at CTrain stations, Max Purple stations and on platforms.
- CTrain cars have help buttons, as well as help strips that function in a similar way.
- Press a help button until it clicks. Once the green light comes on, you are connected to an agent at the Transit Operations Centre.
What happens when you report a safety concern?
- When you report a safety concern using the text service or a help button/phone, you are connected with an agent at the Transit Operations Centre. Agents are in direct contact with Transit peace officers and have access to more than 1,200 security cameras at CTrain stations. When they know your location, agents can identify the nearest CCTV camera and view real-time information.
- Once a case is opened, you will be notified that someone is on the way and the security agent will end the conversation. When you use the text line, security agents cannot follow up with you to privacy laws; this means you may not get to hear how issues are resolved.
When should I text/call Transit Watch and when should I call 911?
The Transit Watch service is for immediate safety and security issues, such as disorder, infrastructure issues, broken glass, ice or harassment. For general information like route or schedule inquires, customers should continue to use our app, website, Twitter or call us at 403-262-1000.
In situations where they feel that their safety is threatened, customers are reminded to always call 911.
Will it cost me anything on my phone bill to text the service?
Standard rates apply. Check with your wireless provider if short codes carry any extra charges.