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We are the organization that manages one of the most livable cities in the world; a workplace committed to reconciliation, anti-racism, and inclusion where you can be your authentic self, to grow and thrive in a diverse and creative work environment.

The City of Calgary offers a whole universe of services and programs and has more than 300 work streams in a variety of professions; the perfect setting to explore career paths and find your purpose with a work-life balance.

We are a municipality; the closest level of government to the people, so you can see yourself loving your job by making life better every day.

Learn more about why you should join The City of Calgary.

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Job opportunities

We recommend that you use a customized cover letter and resume to apply.

Administrative/Business Serv

Job title Closing date
311 Customer Contact Representative, On-Call 2025/02/07
Administrative Assistant 2025/02/05
Assessment & Tax Assistant 2025/02/13
Business Improvement Consultant 2025/02/14
Business Information Analyst 2025/02/24
Business Strategies Advisor 2025/02/07
Business and Policy Planner 2025/02/21
Calgary Police Service - Senior Disclosure Analyst 2025/02/13
Capital Data Analyst 2025/02/06
Corporate Facility Portfolio Planner - AMENDMENT 2025/02/07
Development Planning Student 2025/02/10
Document and Records Strategist 2025/02/18
Downtown Portfolio Consultant 2025/02/21
Employee Development Coordinator 2025/02/07
Facility Agreement Specialist 2025/02/12
Information Management Strategist 2025/02/13
Leader, Business Excellence 2025/02/07
Leader, Industry Relations 2025/02/17
Leader, Municipal Boards and Governance - AMENDMENT 2025/02/07
Occupational Hygienist 2025/02/25
Operational Effectiveness Support 2025/02/11
Operations and Maintenance Planner 2025/02/11
Parks Staffing Administrator 2025/02/05
Project Manager, Arts & Culture 2025/02/19
RSP Business Performance Consultant 2025/02/14
Scheduling Analyst 2025/02/18
Security Advisor 2025/02/11
Senior Stormwater Engineer 2025/02/18
Strategist, Resilience & Futures 2025/02/25


Job title Closing date
Animal Bite Data Research - Student 2025/02/10
Assessment & Tax Research Student 2025/02/10
Asset Management Summer Student 2025/02/10
Audio Visual Technology Summer Student 2025/02/10
Building Inspections Summer Student, Development Inspections Summer Student 2025/02/10
Building Maintenance Asset Inventory Assistant Summer Student 2025/02/10
Building Permit Analyst - Student 2025/02/10
Business & Data Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Business & Local Economy Student 2025/02/10
Business Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Business Experience Support Student 2025/02/10
Business Improvement Summer Student 2025/02/10
Business Performance Liaison Student 2025/02/10
Business Planning and Budgeting Best Practice Research Student 2025/02/10
Business Technology Engineering Student 2025/02/10
Canada Task Force 2 (CAN-TF2) Student 2025/02/10
Capital Investment Planning Research Student 2025/02/10
Civic Engagement Research Student 2025/02/10
Civil Engineering Summer Student 2025/02/10
Climate & Environment Public Programming Student 2025/02/10
Climate Program Student 2025/02/10
Communications Summer Student 2025/02/10
Communications, Storytelling and Social Media Student 2025/02/10
Community Energy Summer Student 2025/02/10
Community Projects Student 2025/02/10
Continual Improvement Specialist Student 2025/02/10
Cultural Landscape Summer Student 2025/02/10
Cyber Security Summer Student 2025/02/10
Data Management and Reporting Student 2025/02/10
Data and Audit Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Design and Construction Summer Student 2025/02/10
Digital Equity, Digital Trust, and Public Perception Research Student 2025/02/10
Disaster Preparedness Student 2025/02/10
Diversity and Anti-Racism Project- Student Strategist 2025/02/10
Downtown Strategy Student Researcher 2025/02/10
Engineering Summer Student, Mobility 2025/02/10
Enterprise Risk Management Research Student 2025/02/10
Environmental Compliance Student 2025/02/10
Environmental Programs Student 2025/02/10
Equity Program Student 2025/02/10
Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) Support Student 2025/02/10
Facility Data Collector Student 2025/02/10
Facility Designer Student - Animal Services Centre 2025/02/10
Facility Planning Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Finance Summer Student 2025/02/10
GIS End User Support Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Geomatics Engineering Student 2025/02/10
Geospatial Asset Management Student 2025/02/10
Geospatial Data Support Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Geospatial Support Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Grade Slip Summer Student 2025/02/10
Graphic Design Student 2025/02/10
Habitat Restoration Student Technician 2025/02/10
Housing Communications Student 2025/02/10
Human Resources Summer Student 2025/02/10
IT Analyst / Records Management Student 2025/02/10
IT Database Analyst (DBA) Summer Student 2025/02/10
IT Developer Summer Student 2025/02/10
IT End User Computing Summer Student 2025/02/10
IT Network Management Summer Student 2025/02/10
IT Remote Workplace Coordinator Student 2025/02/10
IT Student - Enterprise Architecture 2025/02/10
IT Support Analyst Student 2025/02/10
IT Support Analyst Student 2025/02/10
IT Systems Analyst Summer Student - Wireless Communications 2025/02/10
IT Windows Server Administration (WSA) Summer Student 2025/02/10
Identity Management Student Developer 2025/02/10
Inclusive and Adaptive Program Support Student 2025/02/10
Indigenous Planning Policy and Strategy Student 2025/02/10
Industrial Compliance Program Student 2025/02/10
Industrial Waste Summer Student 2025/02/10
Information Management Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Information Management Coordinator Student 2025/02/10
Information Management Parks and Open Spaces Student 2025/02/10
Information Management Summer Student 2025/02/10
Information and Privacy Student Researcher 2025/02/10
Infrastructure Planning Student 2025/02/10
Innovation Research Student 2025/02/10
Instructional Design Support Student 2025/02/10
Integrated Pest Management Field and Laboratory Student - AMENDMENT 2025/02/10
Issues Strategist Student 2025/02/10
Junior Bridge Technician Student 2025/02/10
Junior Building Infrastructure Interior Design Student 2025/02/10
Land Inventory GIS Student 2025/02/10
Land System Realignment Program Student 2025/02/10
Law Summer Student 2025/02/10
Learning Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Learning Coordinator Student 2025/02/10
Local Area Planning Summer Student 2025/02/10
Major Mobility Structural Inspection Student 2025/02/10
Major Partners Projects Student 2025/02/10
Marketing and Social Media Assistant Student 2025/02/10
Mechanical Engineering Student 2025/02/10
Mobility Student Data Scientist 2025/02/10
Municipal Grant Research Student 2025/02/10
Occupational Health and Safety Audit Student 2025/02/10
Operational Process Improvement Student 2025/02/10
Operator Trainee Student, Water Treatment 2025/02/10
Parking Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Parks Inventory Technical Student 2025/02/10
Parks and Open Spaces Community Connector 2025/02/10
Pathway & Trails Inventory Technical Student 2025/02/10
Pavement and Materials Engineering Summer Student 2025/02/10
PeopleSoft Technical Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Performance Measurement and Benchmarking Student 2025/02/10
Performance Reporting Student 2025/02/10
Permit Application Researcher Summer Student 2025/02/10
Planning Policy and Strategy Student 2025/02/10
Planning Summer Student- Growth Analytics 2025/02/10
Playfield and Vendor Coordinator Student 2025/02/10
Preventative Maintenance Assistant Student 2025/02/10
Program Assistant Student, Workforce Support 2025/02/10
Programmer Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Project Controls Summer Student 2025/02/10
Public Art Conservation Student 2025/02/10
Rail Systems Engineering Summer Student 2025/02/10
Real Estate Portfolio Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Records and Information Management Student 2025/02/10
Recruitment Program Support Student 2025/02/10
Regulatory Assurance and Compliance (Water) Summer Student 2025/02/10
Research Assistant Student 2025/02/10
Resilience Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Right of Way Inspector Student 2025/02/10
Right of Way Management Services Summer Student 2025/02/10
River Engineering Summer Student 2025/02/10
Safety Programs Summer Student 2025/02/10
Secondary Suites Program Student 2025/02/10
Service Improvement Student 2025/02/10
Service Planning Student - AMENDMENT 2025/02/10
Software Developer Student 2025/02/10
Street Light Asset Management Student 2025/02/10
Student Digital Specialist, Content & User Experience 2025/02/10
Student Economist 2025/02/10
Student Social Media Manager Event Coordinator 2025/02/10
Student Wellness Coordinator 2025/02/10
Student, Data Stewardship Specialist 2025/02/10
Subdivision Inspections Summer Student 2025/02/10
Supply Management Projects Summer Student 2025/02/10
Sustainability Reporting and Metrics Research Student 2025/02/10
Technical Documentation Summer Student 2025/02/10
Technical Training in Planning Student 2025/02/10
Tipi Project Student Assistant 2025/02/10
Trades Inspection Summer Student 2025/02/10
Traffic Asset Management Summer Student 2025/02/10
Traffic Signals Engineering Summer Student 2025/02/10
Transit Data Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Transit GIS Student 2025/02/10
Transit Technology Student 2025/02/10
Urban Forestry Summer Student 2025/02/10
Video Design Specialist Summer Student - AMENDMENT 2025/02/10
Video Design Specialist Summer Student - AMENDMENT 2025/02/10
Waste Diversion Summer Student 2025/02/10
Wastewater Loading Management Program Student 2025/02/10
Water Management ACR student 2025/02/10
Water Quality Laboratory Student 2025/02/10
Water Quality Monitoring Student 2025/02/10
Water Regional Program Records Student 2025/02/11
Watershed Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Wave Tech Centre Programming and Space Activation Student 2025/02/10
Web & Digital Analyst Student 2025/02/10
Wireless Communication Student System Analyst 2025/02/10
Workforce Management Administrator Student 2025/02/10


Job title Closing date
CSC Web and Digital Content Analyst 2025/02/11
CSC Web and Digital Strategist 2025/02/12

Engineering Services

Job title Closing date
Asset Management Engineer 2025/02/25
Manager, Disposal and Processing Services 2025/02/06
Structural and Building Envelope Engineer 2025/02/19


Job title Closing date
CFO & General Manager, Corporate Planning & Financial Services 2025/02/28
Director, Project Development 2025/02/18


Job title Closing date
Business Analyst 2025/02/05
Finance Lead, Calgary Transit 2025/02/06
Valuation Specialist 2025/02/07

Human Resources

Job title Closing date
Calgary Police Service - Manager, Safety 2025/02/14
Manager, Total Rewards and Healthy Workplace - AMENDMENT 2025/02/14

Information Technology

Job title Closing date
GIS Data Coordinator - AMENDMENT 2025/02/07
IT Engineer II 2025/02/25
Senior Systems Analyst 2025/02/18
System Administrator 1 2025/02/05

Labour/Operations Support

Job title Closing date
Junior Operator, Drinking Water Distribution (DWD) Operations & Maintenance 2025/02/14
Labourer Traffic Operations 2025/02/13
Parks Labourer / Outdoor Custodian, Clean-to-the-Core 2025/02/07
Seasonal Collection Driver 2025/02/10


Job title Closing date
Paralegal, Corporate Commercial 2025/02/19

Leisure Services

Job title Closing date
Fitness Instructor 1 and 2, Aquatics 2025/02/20
Neighbourhood Partnership Coordinator - AMENDMENT 2025/02/05
Parks Program Ambassador 2025/02/14
Production Specialist 2025/02/18
Recreation Labourer 2025/04/21
Recreation Leader - Summer Programs 2025/03/28
Recreation Programmer -Summer Programs 2025/03/13
Swim Instructor 2025/04/02

Property/Asset Management

Job title Closing date
Infrastructure Services Capital Portfolio Advisor 2025/02/12
Leader, Interior Construction 2025/02/12
Leasing Agent 2025/02/06

Public Sfty/Regltry/Enforcmt

Job title Closing date
Emergency Communications Officer - Dispatcher 2025/02/21


Job title Closing date
Development Technologist 2025/02/07
Manager, Collection Services 2025/02/06
Plant Operator Trainee, Wastewater Treatment Plant 2025/02/10
Water Quality Monitoring Technician 2025/02/14

Social Science/Services

Job title Closing date
Geospatial Fusion Specialist 2025/02/13
Real Estate Strategist 2025/02/12


Job title Closing date
Journeyperson 1 Parts Technician - ROVER - AMENDMENT 2025/02/07

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