Agent Status Program
The Calgary Police Service (CPS) frequently receives calls from the public about unwanted persons trespassing on private property. This can stem from incidents related to organized crime, encampments, loitering, substance abuse, or behaviour that threatens and harasses residents, customers, and employees.
Trespassing is an offence under the Alberta Trespass to Premises Act. It occurs when someone, who has been notified not to trespass on a premises, remains on or returns to that premises. A person charged with this offence may face a fine of up to $10,000 for the first offence, and $25,000 for subsequent offences, as well as possible prison time of up to six months.
Property owners who sign up for the CPS Agent Status Program give police officers the authority to come onto their property and engage with trespassers. It allows police to act without having to contact property owners, or when property owners aren’t available. The program is free to join.
Circumstances will dictate what type of enforcement action police take. For incidents involving Calgary’s vulnerable community, CPS members make additional efforts to ensure persons are connected with community resources including shelters and other outreach programs as per CPS policy.
The CPS is dedicated to addressing public safety concerns and ensuring property owners, customers, and residents enjoy the right to the safe use and enjoyment of their property.
Program application process:
- Complete an online authorization form, which will give the CPS the authority to act on your behalf to remove or ban trespassers. You may e-mail the completed form to or deliver a signed paper copy to any CPS district office.
- You will be sent an email confirming your participation in the program. The CPS will coordinate the pick-up or delivery of your sticker. Stickers are also available at any CPS District office.
- The sticker indicates to police that the property has been signed up as a participant in the program. Officers who witness trespassing on your property are then authorized to intervene and engage with those individuals on your behalf.
Participation in the Agent Status Program does not guarantee regular patrols of your property. If you see an incident that requires police attendance, please call 9-1-1 in an emergency or 403-266-1234 for the non-emergency line.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I sign up?
This program allows CPS officers to act on your behalf to remove or ban trespassers on your property. By authorizing police as your agent, we may take action when you or another representative are unavailable. It also allows us to prevent you from having to interact with assaultive or threatening individuals.
Does this mean police will regularly patrol my property?
No. While police attempt to patrol high-crime areas, call volumes and available resources vary. When police do proactively encounter a trespasser on your property, however, they will be authorized to intervene.
Do I still need to call the police?
Yes. To ensure we are aware of the incident, call police to report any incidents of trespassing.
Does this program replace the need for private security?
No. The CPS makes efforts to proactively attend locations that see high incidents of crime and social disorder, but call volumes dictate what resources are available. The program is not designed or intended to replace private security.
Is there a cost for this program?
The program is free for all participants. The required Agent Status sticker will be provided to you at no charge.
How do I cancel my participation in the program?
Your authorization is valid for three years after which time you will be contacted by e-mail to renew. If you wish to cancel your participation in the program, send an e-mail to to notify us and remove the sticker from your property.
What kinds of properties are eligible for the program?
Any privately owned property except for single-family dwelling homes. This includes commercial properties and multi-unit residential buildings.
Is this type of program unique to Calgary?
No. These types of programs exist in numerous jurisdictions throughout Canada and the United States.
Where can I send any questions or concerns?
Please direct all questions and comments to