Calgary Police Service

International Peace Operations Program (IPOP)

As part of the International Peace Operations Program (IPOP), Canada has deployed police officers to international peace missions around the world.

The program is currently on hold and Calgary Police Service (CPS) members are not actively participating in any missions.

What IPOP officers do

Police officers with IPOP assist in rebuilding and strengthening police services in countries that have experienced conflict or upheaval. By building the capacity of foreign police to maintain law and order, Canadian police and their international partners help create a safer and more stable environment. This enables long-term development and can also prevent illicit activities from spilling across borders into other countries, including Canada.

Each mission has a different mandate. Specific mission information can be found on the Royal Canadian Mounted Police’s current IPOP operations page.

How to apply to be in IPOP

Expressions of interest for upcoming missions will be posted when available, and CPS sworn members who meet the requirements of the posting are able to submit their application packages to Human Resources. Only active sworn members may apply.

Successful candidates will have their packages forwarded to the International Peace Operations Branch for selection by them and/or the UN.

Past operations

CPS has authorized member’s deployment to Haiti, Sudan, Afghanistan and the Congo.

More information is available at the RCMP’s International Peace Operations page.


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