Calgary Police Service

Community Accountability

Calgary Police Service Community Accountability

Accountability is one of our core values. Our philosophy of policing is built on the principles created by Sir Robert Peel in 1829, including the fundamental belief that our ability to perform our duties is dependent on public approval of our actions.

Reporting to you on our actions is an important way we work to maintain your trust.

How we are held accountable

Police oversight in Alberta allows both for civilian oversight and an arms-length separation between law enforcement and other branches of government so our political neutrality is protected. 

Several bodies work together to set the overall standards, budgets and policies that direct our actions.

Key statistics - 2023

579,964 calls for service

0.04% resulted in a formal complaint

70% of files closed within 12 months

58% of files resolved using body-worn camera

Expectations are set for us by:

Ministry of Public Safety and Emergency Services:

Sets the overall standards for policing and police oversight in Alberta

Calgary City Council:

Sets our overall budget and appoints Calgary Police Commission members

Calgary Police Commission:

Allocates our budget, creates policies, monitors complaints, hires and provides high-level direction to our Chief Constable

The Public:

Helps ensure we understand community needs through multiple advisory boards and constant dialogue with community partners

Our actions are reviewed by:

Alberta Courts:

Issues warrants, conducts trials, rules in lawsuits and rules on the legality of our actions in investigations and arrests

Alberta Serious Incident Response Team:

Independently investigates serious or sensitive police misconduct, including incidents causing death or serious injury

Our Professional Standards Section:

Holds officers accountable through internal discipline outlined in the Alberta Police Act 

Law Enforcement Review Board:

Hears appeals on how serious police misconduct complaints were handled and ensures our complaints process is fair and legal


Celebrates successes and challenges failings through both social and traditional media

Community accountability resources

  • Race Data Analysis

    Providing a comprehensive overview of demographic data collected during various interactions between CPS officers and the public.

  • Budget and priorities

    Our total budget is set by Calgary City Council and how we spend it is approved by the Calgary Police Commission.

  • Police reform

    We are constantly improving and are sometimes given recommendations or direction on things we need to change to better meet the public’s expectations.

  • Compensation

    Compensation for police officers and civilian employees aligns with the City of Calgary’s compensation philosophy, policies, procedures, and negotiated collective agreements.

  • Conduct concerns

    On average, about 0.11 per cent of the calls for service we attend result in formal complaints.

  • Formal discipline

    Formal Complaint Outcome reports show how formal investigations were resolved.

  • Use of Force

    Officers are required to report any use of force beyond handcuffing and basic physical control techniques.

  • InfoPosts

    InfoPosts are an intelligence gathering tool used to collect information that may be of value to police. Street checks and officer contacts are reported through InfoPosts.

  • Public and Employee Surveys

    Each year the Calgary Police Commission (CPC) conducts public and employee satisfaction surveys. The results can be found here.

Our Strategy

Our overall strategy that guides all our work and decisions

Our strategy

Our Story

The philosophy that guides how we deliver service to the community

Our story


In an emergency always call 911

Non-emergency 403-266-1234