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Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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February 2021 Green Line LRT Project Update

Starting on Thursday, February 18 through Tuesday, March 2, we'll have a number of virtual opportunities for you to learn more and provide your feedback on Planning in Crescent Heights, the Bow River LRT bridge and Centre Street South Public Realm Improvements.

Here’s how you can get involved:

Planning in Crescent Heights:

Centre Street North Streetscape Masterplan & Crescent Heights Mobility Study

  1. Provide your feedback online from February 18 through March 2, 2021 by visiting

  2. Attend a virtual drop-in open house to learn more about the Streetscape Masterplan for Centre Street North & Crescent Heights Mobility Study and provide feedback to the project teams:

Note: These are drop-in style events via Microsoft Teams

Bow River LRT bridge

  1. Provide your feedback online from February 18 through March 2, 2021 by visiting
  2. Attend an online engagement event to learn more about the Bow River LRT bridge and provide feedback to the project teams:

Note: this is a Microsoft Live presentation with a question and answer period

Bow River LRT bridge and Centre Street South Public Improvements virtual drop-in open houses

  • February 25, 2021: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Sign up here
  • February 25, 2021 : 5 - 7 p.m.: Sign up here
  • Mandarin and Cantonese translation will be provided at the evening session

Links to registration and online feedback for all engagement opportunities are available on

For accessibility assistance with engagement participation, please call 311. For TTY services: 403-268-4TTY

Project details

As with all our engagement efforts, we're taking what we've learned in the first phase of engagement to advance the planning for the second phase, where project teams will present more detailed plans. Here’s an overview of the key project areas, what we heard from you during the first phase of engagement and what’s coming next.

A summary of what we heard from phase 1 is now available online. To see more details of the Planning the Green Line engagement, check out our timeline infographic.

Planning in Crescent Heights

Streetscape Masterplan for Centre Street North & Crescent Heights Mobility Study

Green Line LRT will change the look and feel of Centre Street North, and its role and function within the city. In fall 2020, we asked Calgarians how they use Centre Street North and what their ideas are for the street. Some of the priorities Calgarians identified for Centre Street North include:

  • Creating a sense of place
  • Improving pedestrian accessibility
  • Improving pedestrian safety
  • Providing street trees and vegetation

This Streetscape Master Plan, along with Crescent Heights Mobility Study, will help address issues and concerns we’ve heard from Calgarians and identify:

  • Mobility plans
  • Community traffic calming measures
  • Business parking opportunities
  • Access in and out of communities
  • Access to businesses

This winter, we’re sharing preliminary streetscape concepts for comment as we refine the Centre Street North plan, which we will bring to Calgarians in March 2021.

Bow River LRT bridge

The new Bow River LRT bridge will connect our city in an entirely new way, changing how we move from south to north, regardless of travel mode, bringing Calgarians together.

Over the past year, we have heard from Calgarians about what’s important:

  • Good connections at both ends of the bridge
  • Providing connections for cyclists and pedestrians across the bridge, in addition to the LRT
  • Minimizing impacts to Prince’s Island Park and the Eau Claire Promenade

We’ve also heard that Bridge plans should consider surrounding communities such as Chinatown, Eau Claire and Crescent Heights.

This winter, we’ll continue our conversation on the Bow bridge to get your feedback that we will consider as we refine the vision for this bridge.

New: Chinatown Centre Street South Public Realm Improvements 

We are exploring public realm improvements for Centre Street South from the Riverfront Avenue to 4 Avenue South. This work is being done in coordination with the North Central BRT Study to ensure plans are integrated. This month, we'll be introducing the project and asking for your feedback to help inform this work.