How to recycle pizza boxes
Can you recycle pizza boxes?
Yes. You can recycle clean pizza boxes (some grease is okay):
- Place in your blue cart
- Drop off at a community recycling depot for free
Can you compost pizza boxes?
Yes. You can put food-soiled pizza boxes (dried-on cheese, food chunks, sauce splatters etc.) in your green cart to be composted.
How do I prepare pizza boxes for disposal?
- Remove the liner and put in your green cart.
- Put leftover pizza, chicken wings and food scraps in your green cart.
- Put dipping sauce containers and plastic pegs into your black cart.
Community recycling depot locations listed below:

Top photo: Clean pizza boxes (some grease is ok) go in the blue bin.
Bottom photo: Dirty pizza boxes covered in cheese, food chunks, sauce etc. go in the green bin.