How to properly dispose of COVID-19 infected waste
If you or someone one in your household has tested positive for COVID-19, please take these extra precautions with your household waste. This is for your own personal safety as well as for your collector and facility staff that will deal with your waste.
Black cart - garbage
- Place all garbage materials into garbage bags and tie securely closed before putting into your black cart.
- Put all cleaning wipes (e.g. Lysol wipes, Clorox wipes) and paper towel with cleaning chemicals on it in the garbage. Do not flush down the toilet.
Blue cart - recycling
Recyclables must be decontaminated before putting in the blue cart by:
- Cleaning the recyclables with soap and water
- Storing recyclables in a garage, shed etc. for at least 3 days.
- If stored (for longer than 3 days prior to your collection day) then there is no need to decontaminate.
Once decontaminated, put your recyclables in loose (unbagged) except for bagged plastic bags and bagged shredded paper.
Green cart – food scraps and yard waste
- All food scraps and yard waste can be composted and must be bagged in certified compostable bags or paper bags.
- Used tissues and food-soiled paper towel and napkins can continue to be composted but must be bagged in certified compostable bags or paper bags.