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What does the Provincial Budget mean for Green Line?

Green Line Update - October 2019

On October 24, 2019, the Province released its 2019-2020 Budget. While the Province will continue its funding commitment to Stage 1 of Green Line, from 16 Avenue N. to 126 Avenue S.E., funding has been largely deferred from $555 million to $75 million over the next four years. This means a smaller portion of the Province’s funding for Green Line will be released over the next four years, with the remaining portion to come in later years.

What the Provincial Budget means for Green Line

The project team is meeting with the Provincial Government to better understand details of the budget and what this means for the project. We will share a project update at the first Green Line Committee Meeting on Nov. 15.

Our commitment to Council and Calgarians remains the same

The Green Line represents a significant investment in our transportation network, in our communities, and the future of our city. In addition, construction of Stage 1 is expected to create 20,000 jobs, which will further contribute to Calgary’s economy. The Green Line team is committed to delivering this important infrastructure and service for Calgarians.

  • We are continuing to get Segment 1 from 4th Street S.E. to 126 Avenue S.E. ready for construction, with over 100 Enabling Works project completed to date.
  • The optimization of design and constructability review for Segment 1 is near completion.
  • We are continuing work on Segment 2 Centre City route re-evaluation to determine a recommended route.
  • We remain focused on the work required to prepare the Request for Proposal for the Design-Build-Finance contract for Segment 1.

First Green Line committee scheduled for November 15

On September 30, Council directed the establishment of a Standing Policy Committee (SPC) on Green Line. This new Committee of Council will help streamline our reporting processes, provide greater transparency as all reports flow through one Committee, and help keep Council better informed on Green Line as we move towards project execution and construction.

At the October 28 Council Meeting, the membership of the Green Line Committee was determined as follows: Councillors Keating (Chair), Davison, Carra, Farrell, Gondek and Sutherland. The first scheduled meeting will convene on Nov. 15 at 9:30 a.m.

Segment 1 Request for Qualifications (RFQ) closed October 24

Industry has shown solid interest in this project through our Request for Qualification (RFQ) for Segment 1, which closed last week. Over the next few months, we'll be reviewing the submissions and expect to confirm the shortlist of pre-qualified proponents by end of the year.

In July 2019, The City decided to separate Stage 1 of the Green Line into two segments to move forward with the Segment 1 RFQ while Segment 2 is re-evaluated. We are pleased with industry’s response to this strategy.

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