Hey Calgary, will you be our Valentine?

With main construction of the Green Line LRT kicking off later in 2024, we asked Calgarians about their construction concerns and to check-in on all things Green Line. We learned that Calgarians are overwhelmingly supportive of the project, but that they have some questions. Which is great, as we have answers!
So, in honour of Valentine’s Day, we want to take our relationship to the next level with Calgarians by kicking off our “Get to Know the Green Line” campaign.
Through the research, we received open and honest feedback from Calgarians about construction, project benefits, and concerns. All of this confirmed that Calgarians firmly believe that the Green Line is a critical investment in Calgary’s future.
But we also heard that Calgarians want to know what we are building. Where exactly will it go? How long will construction take? Who is in charge? How much will it cost? What will be the impact of construction on businesses? And what do we get for this level of investment?
Over the coming months, Green Line will be sharing facts, benefits, and taking the opportunity to clear up misinformation. We were surprised to learn that many Calgarians still think there is going to be a tunnel going under the Bow River, something that was changed five years ago!
We want Calgarians to know all about the Green Line and are encouraging them to check out the Green Line website www.calgary.ca/greenline, follow our social media channels (@GreenLineYYC), and keep an eye out for project information at locations across the city.
Green Line is a project for Calgarians, being delivered by Calgarians. So, what else do you want to know, Calgary? We’re all ears.
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