Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Compensation disclosure list - frequently asked questions

Why does The City of Calgary publish a compensation disclosure list?

In 2014 Calgary City Council approved the release of an annual compensation disclosure list beginning with the first publication in 2015.

What is included in the compensation disclosure list?

The City’s compensation disclosure list includes position titles, base salary ranges, and general information about pensions and benefits for City positions as approved by Council in 2014.

The Province of Alberta also publishes public servants’ compensation information which includes employee names and exact salaries. Why is The City’s list different?

The (Alberta) Public Sector Compensation Transparency Act (PSCTA) requires the Alberta Government and public sector bodies (e.g. public agencies like Alberta Health Services and public post-secondary institutions) to disclose compensation information for employees who earn more than the threshold amount established in the Act.  Municipalities are not required to disclose employee compensation information; however, The City wishes to be open and transparent on where tax dollars go. The City’s list discloses position titles, salary ranges, and pension and benefit information for union and exempt employees. The City’s list does not have a salary threshold.

The information is disclosed in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act​. The FOIP Act governs how a public body can use, collect and disclose personal information.

Why are employee names and exact salaries not included?

Employee names and exact salaries are not included based on the compensation components that were approved by Council in 2014.

Is there an annual salary cut-off point to what is reported?

The City’s compensation disclosure list does not have a minimum salary threshold that determines whether a position will be disclosed or not. We believe this provides a high degree of transparency and is also equitable to all employee groups.

Why do some positions have the same minimum and maximum annual base salary?

Some positions have a single rate of pay (no salary range) outlined in their respective collective agreement.

What positions are included on the list?

The list includes filled exempt (non-union) and unionized, permanent and temporary, full-time and part-time positions. Part-time is defined as working less than the standard working hours as outlined in the applicable collective agreement or policy (e.g. employee works 30 hours per week in a 35-hour standard work week position). Salary ranges for part-time positions have been reported using the minimum and maximum equivalent to a full-time position.

Which employee groups are excluded? Why?

Group Rationale

Calgary Police Services (CPS)

The CPS publishes a compensation disclosure list. Please refer to the Calgary Police Service website.

Seasonal, on-call, summer students, business interns, co-op students and recreation non-union program jobs Annual salary rates cannot be determined due to variable work schedules.
Some employees with employment contracts/agreements Annual salaries will not be disclosed where a position title is unique, there is a single rate of pay for the position (no salary range) and the salary information is not publicly available through a job posting or collective agreement.
Elected Officials

Elected officials are not City employees. Their compensation information is available on Council accountability.
