Rundle LRT Station Public Art Benches
Rundle is one of the older communities in Calgary and is rich in diversity and ethnic mix. The people of the community are connected through their stories of immigration, friendships and hospitality. Rundle LRT station is a highly used hub which services over 10,000 customers every day. It is one of the busiest and oldest stations in the North East.

The concept
The concept was to create three public art benches for the newly renovated Rundle LRT station. Rundle’s diversity is expressed in the form of the humble sofa; a metaphor and symbol for community and hospitality. The history of furniture through the centuries is also history of cross cultural and global connections. Borrowing motifs and symbols and techniques in the making of furniture from other cultures and assimilating into their own was and is common.
The art has three styles:
- The traditional style bench represents those who have lived in the community for a long time, as well as immigrant families who tend to have their elderly relatives living with them.
- The transitional style piece represents those who travel between the old and new generations, it connects the old with the new. The look reflects East Asian heritage and origins. The rattan style is found in the tropics, the Caribbean and worldwide.
- The modern style piece is fun and playful in appearance. It reflects the younger generation born in Canada and newcomers to the community.
The project was completed in November 2017 and the budget was $60,000.

The Artist
Artist Karen Ho Fatt is a Canadian designer and visual artist. She was chosen to create three permanent public art benches as part of the revitalization project for the Rundle LRT station. The designs were a result of community engagement and discussions with a concept panel to ensure that the art pieces honoured the Rundle community by exploring its cultural diversity.