Pedestrians and Crosswalks
Pedestrians have the right-of-way at all intersections and crosswalks in Calgary unless the intersection is controlled by a traffic signal or traffic control device, or if a police officer indicates otherwise. No-stopping signage may be in place at certain crosswalk locations to maintain safety and pedestrian visibility.
Before crossing, pedestrians should:
- signal their intention to cross and ensure they are visible to traffic,
- ensure traffic has stopped, and
- ensure that they will not step in front of a vehicle that cannot stop.
Intersections controlled by traffic signals have WALK and DON’T WALK signals in addition to a marked crosswalk. Pedestrian scramble intersections stop traffic in all directions to allow pedestrians to cross in any direction.

Walk symbol indicates it's safe to begin crossing the street.

Flashing don’t walk symbol indicates it's not safe to begin crossing the street. If you started crossing before the signal began to flash, you have enough time to cross the street.
Solid don't walk symbol indicates that you shouldn’t be in the crosswalk.
Accessible Pedestrian Signals indicate when and in which direction it is safe to cross.
Know your crosswalks
Unmarked crosswalks
Unmarked crosswalks exist at every intersection where there is a sidewalk, unless signs indicate that the crosswalk is closed. Unmarked crosswalks extend from the corner of one sidewalk across the road to the opposite sidewalk.

Marked crosswalks
Marked crosswalks have signs and painted white lines that extend from the corner of one sidewalk, to the corner of the opposite sidewalk. Marked crosswalks can also be located mid-block (between intersections).

Marked crosswalks with pedistrain-activated lights
Some marked crosswalks can also have pedestrian-activated lights to stop traffic:
- Overhead Flashers use overhead flashing yellow lights with advance-warning signs at marked crosswalks.
- Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) use side-mounted rectangular flashing yellow lights with advance-warning signs at marked crosswalks.

Ladder crosswalks
Ladder crosswalks have both horizontal and vertical lines. They are found at intersections close to schools and other areas with high pedestrian activity.

Multi-use crosswalks
Multi-use crosswalks are used to connect pathways and cycling infrastructure across roads. They have vertical lines with square markings on the outside called “elephant feet”. People walking and wheeling have the right of way and may ride through these crosswalks without dismounting.