January newsletter
In this issue: the Event Centre, transit safety, crime reporting, property assessments, resilient roofing rebates and more!

Happy New Year from the Ward 1 Office!
We're excited about the year ahead, and looking forward to hearing from you and interacting with you in the community. This is sure to be a busy year at City Council, and I'll be doing everything I can for Ward 1 and for all of Calgary.
—Sonya Sharp
Event Centre
As you have probably heard, the agreement between The City of Calgary and Calgary Sports and Entertainment Corporation (CSEC, the owners of the Calgary Flames) to build a new Event Centre in East Victoria Park was terminated on Dec 31.
This was unfortunate news for Calgary. The Event Centre was slated to be the centrepiece of the Culture and Entertainment District, and an important economic driver for the whole city.
Council received an updated from City Administration on Jan 12 with the timeline of events and what led to the collapse of this deal. Fortunately, this update led to a broader conversation on the path foward for an Event Centre. Council unanimously agreed to a motion, with a key amendment from Councillor Sharp, to engage a third party to determine whether CSEC or another party is interested in a new agreement to build an Event Centre.
Council will hear a report from the third party on March 8.
This was the right decision for Council and it was the right decision for Calgary. We're feeling hopeful that we will find a path forward and get an Event Centre built.

Transit safety
Decreased ridership, the Opioid Crisis and colder temperatures have led to increased instances of social disorder in the Calgary Transit system over the last several months. This is something that Calgary Transit and City Council both take seriously, and steps are being taken to ensure your safety while riding.
- All CTrain station buildings are now closed at the end of service. Certain station buildings are now closed 24 hours a day, with acess to station platforms via at-grade crossings.
- Additional officers are on the Calgary Transit system to respond more quickly when called. You can discreetly report issues on Calgary Transit by texting 74100 or by using help buttons located on trains and at stations. As always, you can contact 9-1-1 in an emergency.
Steps are also being taken to ensure social supports are available for those seeking shelter on Calgary Transit property.
This is an issue we continue to work on. We will keep you updated with any further developments.
Crime reporting
The Ward 1 team communicates regularly with Calgary Police in District 2 and District 7 to learn about policing issues and trends that affect your community.
Most crimes affecting property can be reported online at calgarypolice.ca. It's the best way to ensure that crime trends affecting your neighbourhood can be quickly identified, and it only takes a few minutes.
Some crimes like break and enters, crimes involving violence, vehicle theft, or fraud need to be reported by telephone to the Calgary Police non-emergency line at 403-266-1234.
For emergencies or crimes in progress, call 9-1-1.
Property assessments
Property assessment notices were mailed out on Jan 5. You can also view your detailed assessment, plus the assessed value of other Calgary properties, online at Calgary.ca/assessment.
Questions or concerns about your assessment? You can contact the City's Assessment unit directly at 403-268-2888 until March 14.
If you believe that the assessed value of your property is incorrect, you can appeal your assessment to the Assessment Review Board. You can find details on the process here. Please note that our office cannot assist with appeals.
Resilient Roofing Rebate Program
The City of Calgary is offering rebated of $3,000 for homeowners who replace their roofs with Class 4 impact-resistant materials. You can confirm your eligibility and learn more about the program at Calgary.ca/hail.
Updates in brief
- Did you know that Ward 1 is home to the most popular disc golf course in Canada, and the fifth most popular in the world? Check out the disc golf course in Baker Park!
- Nominations for the Calgary Awards are open until Feb 9. It's our chance to recognize individuals, businesses and organizations who make outstanding contributions to our city.
- The City of Calgary and Heritage Calgary have introduced a new map of historic resources across the city. You might even find some history in your own backyard. Check out some of the historic resources located in Ward 1!
Meeting with community associations
The Ward 1 Office wants to stay engaged with what's happening in your community. If we haven't already had a chance to attend your community association's board meeting, please get in touch!
Is there a community event you would like featured in this newsletter? Let us know! Contact details are at the bottom of the page.
Stay in touch with Ward 1
We're committed to regular communication with residents of Ward 1. In addition to this newsletter, you can follow Councillor Sharp on Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
In February, we'll be launching the official Ward 1 website and Facebook page. You'll find detailed and frequent updates on issues affecting your ward and your city.
We want to hear from you! You can contact the Ward 1 office here.
Categories: General, Newsletter