Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Notice of motion: 311 response to citizen service requests


First brought to Council: June 25, 2012

Outcome: Carried as revised


The 3-1-1 information system was developed in 2005 to be The City of Calgary's primary non-emergency phone contact for its citizens. It reinforces Transparency, Accountability and Citizen Orientation - principles that City Council and Administration have embraced. It is an invaluable tool to The City of Calgary when responding to citizens and gathering useful information. But it isn't perfect. For example:

A man called 3-1-1 about three weeks ago to report a pothole. It hasn't been fixed! So he calls 3-1-1 again and gives the operator his Service Request number. The operator tells him that his Service Request has been closed, to which he replies, "How could that be? I'm standing in the pothole right now.

This happens from time to time. The reason for this is that once 3-1-1 has directed the request to the appropriate department, it is up to the department to close the request based on the criteria they have defined for closing a request. In this case, the request was closed on the 3-1-1 call centre side of things but was still open within the Roads Department list of service calls to be attended.

The system can be streamlined and new efficiencies can be realized. 3-1-1 is too valuable a tool to go unmaintained. Alderman Peter Demong proposed a motion to Council proposing that a plan of action be developed to optimize the 3-1-1 system.

View the Notice of Motion​​


Categories: Motions and Initiatives
