Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Customer-focused Policy Reviews


As time goes on, as I speak to the people of Ward 14, the business owners of Calgary, the customers of the City of Calgary, the taxpayers of this city, I am hearing one thing more and more: Efficient City of Calgary operations are hindered by a growing state of “policy paralysis”. No matter what service a citizen of this city requires, it is touched by numerous, often outdated administrative policies and procedures. Clearly the situation is becoming a problem for the lives and prosperity of our citizens, not to mention the competitive advantage of our businesses. Something needs to be done.

I have been working hard behind the scenes to develop a proposal that will address this problem. On Tuesday, I will be applying to use existing funds to pilot a type of policy review that has yet been seen within the walls of City Hall. It will endeavor to improve, streamline, and edit policies from the perspective of the City’s customer, rather than its bureaucracy. The goal is to eventually shape all City policies to have customer experience at the core of their focus.

- Councillor Peter Demong​​

Categories: Motions and Initiatives
