Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

March 28 Counciltalk Cancelled




I am writing to inform you that I have made the decision to cancel the March 28 session of Counciltalk. Over the coming weeks. As of today, the April 18 session of Counciltalk is scheduled to proceed, however I will be keeping a close eye on the status of the COVID-19 pandemic, and am prepare to cancel that event if necessary.

It is with great disappointment that I make this decision. In eight years of Counciltalk session not one has been cancelled until now. But rather that out of panic, this decision—as with many coming from the City of Calgary and the Province—is out of the knowledge that a proactive approach will go a long way to lessen this sting of this pandemic.

While we will not be seeing each other on March 28, my office will nevertheless be open to take your phone calls, and emails throughout. My staff will be working from their homes whenever it is possible to do so, and I encourage those who are able to do the same.

These are 6 simple steps that we can all take to keep you, your family, and your community healthy:

1.     Wash your hands frequently: This is the single most effective way of preventing the spread of disease. Use hand sanitizer, when you can’t wash your hands with soap and warm water. The City provides multiple hand sanitizing stations, for both the public and employees, in our facilities.

2.     Catch your germs: Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze by using the inside of your elbow or your shoulder.

3.     Avoid touching your face: In between handwashing, keep your hands away from your eyes, ears, nose and mouth.

4.     Practice healthy habits: Eat well, exercise daily and get enough rest to help support your immune system.

5.     Feeling sick: If you are experiencing, fever, cough, difficulty breathing or other flu like symptoms, stay home and away from others and contact your healthcare provider. If you have questions or concerns about your health contact Health Link 811.

6.     Choose alternative greetings to handshakes and high fives: try a “Foot Five” where you tap feet.

I would also suggest keeping yourself informed during this time. The City of Calgary’s COVID-19 Page and the Government of Alberta COVID-19 Page are great places to start.

I know that watching the news lately has not been a particularly positive experience, but I am extremely proud of how Canada, Alberta, and Calgary has handled this challenge to date. We are strong as a community, and I know we can successfully weather this storm together.


-Councillor Peter Demong​​


Categories: COVID-19 Pandemic
