Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

December 2014 Newsletter


​​Happy Holidays Ward 14!

I’m excited to celebrate the great year that was 2014 with family and friends.  I’m also excited for the year that’s on its way, including my first stint as the Chair of a Council committee: the Standing Policy Committee on Utilities and Corporate Services.

Planning of the SW Ring Road, which is many years in the making, will ramp up in a big way during 2015.  While the Ring Road itself will be the Government of Alberta’s responsibility, I am always willing to discuss what impact it will have on Calgary’s communities.  The City of Calgary will be working over the coming years to make sure that the most efficient connections are made between the Ring Road and city streets, which is the real goal of Ring Road project (unless you like driving around in circles).  You’ll find more information about the project at and by searching “Ring Road” on

Another project that I am excited to see take off in 2015 is the Macleod Trail/162 Avenue Interchange. No, shovels won’t be in the ground next year, but the City will be deep into the planning of this major infrastructure project.  The interchange is sorely needed at one of the south’s busiest intersections, and will compliment the future Ring Road.  Again, please don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation with me on this topic.  I always want to hear what you think.  A more detailed description of this project can be found by searching “162 Ave Interchange” on

Did you know? The City gives away free mulch for gardening

It’s true, and you can pick it up at the East Calgary Landfill (while quantities last).  The mulch is produced by a program that recycles the Christmas trees that stand in many living rooms over the next few weeks.  You can leave the tree (un-bagged and untied) near your black cart collection spot by Friday, January 9 at 7 a.m., and the City will pick it up within three weeks.  Make sure the tree is not blocking the street, lane or sidewalk and is at least one foot (30 centimetres) away from your carts.  You can also drop the tree off at one of eight locations from December 26 to January 31, although the Shepard Landfill and the Parks Compound (10312 Sacremento Drive SW) are the best places for Ward 14.  For more information visit

By the way, after a short hiatus, Aldertalk will be back early in the New Year.  Join me on Saturday, January 17 at Parkland Community Hall (505 Parkvalley Rd SE) from noon to 2 p.m. and we will resume the discussion.  You can learn more about Aldertalk at

Have a very happy holiday, an amazing New Year, drive safe, and don’t forget you can contact me anytime!

Councillor Peter Demong​


Categories: Newsletter
