Ward 14 - Peter Demong

July 2016 Newsletter


Howdy Ward 14!

With all that this province has gone through in the last year or so, I hope we can all take some time this month to celebrate in a way that only this city knows how—with the Calgary Exhibition and Stampede! Let’s have a good time and show our Albertan neighbours the same.


I want to extend a tip of the hat to all the patrons of Counciltalk, and especially to those who have attended since the beginning. They have seen just how much it has grown.

The next Counciltalk date will be posted on calgary.ca/counciltalk, and you can sign up for reminders at calgary.ca/ward14connect.

Ward 14 Communities BBQ

I try to gradually ramp up my marketing of the Ward 14 Communities BBQ over the summer to a climax in September. There is still a lot of preparation to be done, and RSVPs to be confirmed. So this month I will go a little more in depth, and hopefully you will tune in next month for more detail.

For those who don’t know, my BBQ is a membership drive for Ward 14 community associations. I round up money from generous sponsors to pay for the cost of the event and buy everyone who attends a membership to their community association. We raise a lot of money for the community associations and they add a lot of members, but there is also a chance to visit with and learn about the City of Calgary’s various departments and partners. There will be a free burger and beverage too.

This year the BBQ will be on September 24 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the parking lot of Southcentre Mall. You are welcome to join. We will have a lot of fun.

MGA Review

The Municipal Government Act (MGA) defines everything about the City of Calgary (and every other municipality in Alberta for that matter). Without the MGA as provincial legislation the organization—that City Council manages—would not have official power to operate. In general, the MGA governs all of Alberta’s municipalities in three main areas: Assessment and Taxation, Governance, and Planning and Development. It determines how the City of Calgary pays for the services it delivers, how decisions are made, and how the city is built and grows.

The provincial government is reviewing the MGA. Any changes to the act will impact how the city operates, but they could also impact you directly and profoundly. The MGA determines how you are taxed, how you elect representatives in the City, and what you are allowed to build on your property.

I would like to hear your views on this important topic, and I would like you to arm yourself with some information about it. The website mgareview.alberta.ca is filled with useful information about the MGA, and you can contact me anytime. Finally, decisions about the MGA ultimately fall on the Provincial Government, so you local MLA should probably hear what you think about this too.

Have a great July, and a great Stampede. Happy Trails!

-Councillor Peter Demong​


Categories: Newsletter
