Notice of Motion: Setting a Standard for Pavement Quality in Calgary
There is no doubt that the quality of the pavement that we move around on is of huge importance to Calgarians. It is certainly something that is always at the top of mind for those in Ward 14. So, it is obvious that we need to make investments in keeping our roads up to a certain standard for vehicles, bikes, buses etc. Just a little bit of care in the short term can lead to major cost savings in the long run.
That is why Councillor Demong worked with the City’s Mobility department to propose some changes to the City’s budgeting. The idea is to set a standard level of pavement quality for the City to keep. This would ensure that the quality of Calgary's pavement does not lapse and become a major expense in the future.
- First Brought to Council: June 6, 2023
- Outcome: Carried Unanimously

Categories: Motions and Initiatives