Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

September 2020 Newsletter

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Greetings Ward 14. With kids going back to school we are hopefully approach some semblance of normal, but we are not completely done with the pandemic yet. I will start with a word about how we can protect ourselves as we ramp up for the fall, continue with a note on how we are adapting, and finish with a map that shows an interesting new way to look at the City.

Staying open is in your hands

We all want to get back to what we would usually be doing in the fall, but circumstances are just different this year. These steps are our best defence against COVID-19 and our path to make sure Calgary remains on the road to a full recovery:

  • When you go out, spread out. Keep 2 metres of distance between yourself and others.
  • If you cannot consistently maintain a safe physical distance of 2 metres from others, wear a face covering. Face coverings are meant to control what comes out of the wearer’s mouth and nose and are worn to protect people around them - not to provide protection for the wearer.
  • Continue to wash your hands, especially before you go outside and again when you return home. Good hand hygiene will help to limit the spread of COVID-19.
  • If you are feeling unwell stay home to protect others and limit the spread. 

For more information visit or

Event grants

We are all looking for ways to safely participate in arts, culture, sports, and recreation events like we did before COVID-19. The City is offering a Microgrant Program to support public events, in-person or virtual, with grants ranging from $500 to $4500. We hope to support events with the additional costs they now need to cover to meet health and safety guidelines and regulations. Up to $75,000 is available for eligible events.

Calgary’s festival and event community has been hard-hit by the COVID-19 pandemic which resulted in the cancellation of in-person events from April until August 2020. We want to support our communities which are normally active and vibrant with festivals and events throughout the year with amazing opportunities for citizens and visitors to enjoy Calgary’s community spirit.

On July 3, the City began accepting applications for community events as well as drive-in, drive-thru and non-competitive walks and runs on City land that meet provincial and city guidelines and regulations. If you are a non-profit, charitable or Business Improvement Area organization planning a public event on City land, private property or virtually, please consider applying.

Applications are being accepted until November 13 for public events held between July 20 and December 31, 2020 that meet all provincial and city guidelines and regulations.

Learn more at

Solar Potential Map

Have you ever thought about installing solar panels on your roof? The solar potential map can help you make that decision. The Solar Potential Map on the map gallery has been updated to use the latest available LiDAR data. The map features City solar projects and provides information about the number of panels, location, year of construction, type of system and approximate annual energy yield. It can be used as a preliminary solar assessment tool for roof top installations.

The map can be found in The City’s Map Gallery:


Feel free to contact me any time. The best way to contact me is by visiting

-Councillor Peter Demong

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Categories: COVID-19 Pandemic, Newsletter
