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Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Ward 9 - Gian-Carlo Carra

September 2017 Newsletter


Hello Ward 9 Neighbours,

This October you and your fellow Calgarians will have the chance to participate in one of the most important and meaningful experiences we share as Canadians – voting. On October 16, 2017, you will have a great opportunity to have your say in the future of your community, your neighbourhood, and your city, as you head to the polls to elect a Mayor, your City Councillor, and your School Board Trustee.

Often, there can be cynicism about the political process of electing representatives who may not share or understand your personal views, priorities, or sense of direction for Calgary. When faced with that cynicism, remember that the thread that links these candidates is their love of community and belief that they can make things better for all of us. That diversity of vision, when tested against your questions and engagement, reveal the best person for the task in moving us forward, and for that opportunity, we should be grateful.

Unlike other orders of government, we interact with our municipal government everyday – from the moment we wake up, to the moment we head to sleep, and even in between. From providing safe drinking water and electricity to our homes, to paving, maintaining and clearing roads during the winter months, providing transit, supporting our police and fire service, to providing recreational programming and affordable housing to Calgarians, local government impacts our lives immeasurably.

This year, there will be significant changes in Ward 9 as the ward boundaries have changed. Communities like Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights-Mountview, Rideau-Roxboro, Park Hill, Erlton, Acadia and Riverbend will find themselves in the new Wards 7, 8, 11, and 12, respectively.

During the next few months you will have candidates knocking at your door, calling your homes and reaching out to you in a myriad of ways to ask for your support and asking you to vote for them. Be prepared to challenge them with your questions about everything from street sweeping, to transportation, to their 60-year vision for Calgary. Sign up for their updates. Attend your candidate debates. Speak with your family, friends and neighbours, and most importantly, vote.

To make the process of voting easier for Calgarians, The City has created a website specifically geared to this October’s election. To sign up for updates, find out when and where to vote, and to confirm voter ID requirements, please visit

See you on the other side of October and good luck!


Categories: Newsletter
