CAUAC terms of reference

Committee composition

The work of the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee is guided by Terms of Reference.

The Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee reports to Council through the Standing Policy Committee on Community and Protective Services.

Membership of the Committee consists of 10. Committee members will be selected at large on an individual basis on their interest and merit without any consideration as to tribal origin or membership in any special interest group. Fifty percent plus one member selected at large shall be Aboriginal people. An Alderman, appointed by City Coucil, will be included in the count. For the purposes of these appointments, the words Aboriginal people shall be deemed to include: Indians, Metis and Inuit.

Committee functions

The overall function of the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee will be to act as a catalyst in an action oriented Committee and to act as a liaison, advisory and support body between the City of Calgary and Aboriginal people living in the city of Calgary. To fulfill this function, the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee will strive to attain and maintain a positive relationship with other individuals, groups, agencies, organizations, etc. who are addressing issues of concern to Aboriginal people.

Terms of reference

  • Investigate, seek solutions and make recommendations on areas of mutual concern between urban Aboriginal people and the City of Calgary; areas of concern to the urban Aboriginal people, agencies, organizations, etc.; and areas of concern to the City of Calgary.
  • Be available and offer to assist or improve the efforts of other agencies, organizations, etc. who are addressing issues of concern to urban Aboriginal people on a formal or informal basis.
  • Be available as a body to receive advice, recommendations, reports or complaints from individuals or groups addressing issues of concern to urban Aboriginal people and to take appropriate action.
  • Promote existing agencies, organizations, etc. who address issues of concern to urban Aboriginal people and whose efforts are compatible to the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee and to lend assistance, if required or requested, whenever possible.
  • Request assistance, if a when required, from any appropriate agency or organization, including the Chiefs and Council of Treaty Seven to improve the role of the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee.
  • That the City of Calgary Neighbourhood and Community Relationships business unit be authorized to assist this Committee whenever possible, to carry out the Committee's mandate. That the Department be authorized to seek the recommendations of this Committee on Departmental policies, programs, procedures and practices which will have an impact on Aboriginal people living in the city of Calgary.
  • Be empowered, when necessary, to strike standing, ad hoc, or sub-committee(s) to address specific or urgent concerns.
  • Call special and/or emergency meetings, through the Chairman, after evidence has been considered and deemed necessary to address specific items or issues of an urgent or emergency nature and to take appropriate action.
  • Report on a regular basis through appropriate channels to City Council, Treaty Seven leadership and to the Aboriginal leadership in general within the city of Calgary.
  • Provide a comprehensive annual report prior to the Annual Meeting in July each year to appropriate leaders, representatives, organizations, groups and agencies addressing issues of concern to Aboriginal people.
  • That the appointment of Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee members rest solely with Council at its Organizational Meeting, commencing with the 1998/1999 calendar year. Further, that due consideration be given to City of Calgary policies of advertising for committee membership, which will include that advertising for membership to this Committee be extended to the Aboriginal media and agencies.
  • Ensure that communication, public relations, and/or public participation play a major role in the efforts of the Committee to fulfill its function.
  • That the Calgary Aboriginal Urban Affairs Committee be authorized to hold meetings within the limits of the city of Calgary.