Sustainable Building Partnership Program

In 2008, The City of Calgary developed the Sustainable Buildings Partnership Program (SBPP) to improve the Triple Bottom Lin​e performance of existing City infrastructure and support the Sustainable Building Policy. The program identifies and improves the efficiency of existing corporate infrastructure through the use of audits, alternative energy technologies, conservation and energy efficiency upgrades. The program is funded using the Alberta Government’s Municipal Sustainability Initiative and managed by The City of Calgary’s Infrastructure & Information Services business unit.

The Sustainable Buildings Partnership program was approved as a Transforming Government Initiative in late 2012.  The program was approved because it provides accountability through a clear set of criteria used to assess opportunities, demonstrates innovation by piloting new low-risk technology and approaches, provides citizen orientation as many of the projects delivered through the program are publicly accessible, and is sustainable.   


Infrastructure & Information Services, through the SBPP, has partnered with multiple City business units to collaboratively plan and deliver diverse projects and share the results of lessons learned on each project. SBPP consists of projects in three focus areas, as shown below:

Program Focus Areas

Example of Project Funded By SBPP

Identifying Opportunities Assessing the current state of facilities, establishing a baseline for future benchmarking, and identifying opportunities for improvements.
  • Energy audits
  • Office waste assessment
  • Energy and water sub-metering
  • Energy information system
  • Wind resource assessment
Piloting Innovative Technology Demonstrating alternate energy sources or technologies that improve resource conservation.
  • Solar Photovoltaic (PV) panels on mobile crew trailers
  • Solar thermal water heating at the Southland
  • Leisure Centre
Encouraging use of Efficient Technology Taking action on opportunities identified by audits and successful pilot projects.
  • Lighting upgrades using T5HO fluorescent and Light Emitting Diode( LED) fixtures.
  • Building envelope improvements
  • Central irrigation controls
  • District energy interconnection

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
