420 Highland Park Low Emissions Residential Development

This development consists of nine total high performance residential rental units, with three rowhouse units, three basement suites and three backyard suites, all built to Passive House standard. The project, by SNAP Building, is located in the northwest community of Highland Park, near the future 40th Avenue N Green Line LRT Station.
Project Details
Location: 420 – 37 Avenue NW
Building form: Rowhouse (3 units) with basement suites (3 units) and backyard suites (3 units)
Number of storeys: 2
Total building floor area: 11,910 ft2
GHG emissions reduction: to be determined
Energy Performance: Designed to Passive House standard, 66% reduction in energy use over reference building
Project cost: $1,123,317
Energy efficiency measures cost: not stated
Building certification or labeling: Designed to Passive House and Net Zero Home standards
Energy Efficiency Measures
Building Envelope:
- Exterior Wall: 2x6" double stud wall @ 24” O.C. w/ dense pack cellulose insulation, fibrecement cladding
- Slab on Grade: 4" Concrete Slab + 5" EPS u/slab
- Ceiling: 2x4" Truss w/ 24" Loose Fill Insulation
Mechanical Systems:
- Ventilation: Electric Resistance HRV
- Heating/Cooling: Air Source Heat Pump
- Hot Water: Heat Pump Electric
Renewable Energy Systems
- 15kW solar PV system
Other Sustainability Measures
- All 6 parking stalls in garages roughed in for Level 2 EV charging
- 25% of site area designed with permeable materials to reduce water runoff
Project Team
- Planning Consultant: SNAP Building
- Builder: Plaid Shirt Building & Development
- Architect: IDeAr Integrated Design & Acrchitecture Ltd.
Plaid Shirt Building & Development
4892 - 35th Street SE
Calgary, AB T2B 3M6
(403) 618-0774
Architect/ Designer
IDeAr Integrated Design & Architecture Ltd.
132 Coachwood Cres SW
Calgary, AB T3H 1C1
(403) 681-4519
Contact Information
The City of Calgary
Angie Dean
Senior Planner, Climate Implementation
Community Planning, Planning & Development Services
The City of Calgary
800 Macleod Trail S, Calgary, AB T2P 2M
(403) 826-0454