Day 3 - A city that moves
Where are some places you'd like to go in Calgary? How will you get there?
Calgary Transit connects you with people and places you care about by providing safe, accessible, reliable and courteous public transportation services.
Calgary also has an amazing pathway system. There are big trails through our parks and pathways in your neighbourhood.
These activities can be done alone, but work best with one or more friends on a video chat like Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.
Grades K-3
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: How many people live in Calgary?
a) Half a million
b) 1.3 million
c) 9 million
Mindfulness Activity:
- Put your palms together at chest height.
- Push your hands against each other as hard as you can.
- Which muscle gets tired first?
City of Calgary Biking Adventure
- Bicycle, scooter, skateboard, roller blades, etc.
Plan a bike trip with your child that you can take from your house. If you don’t have a bicycle, plan a walk.
You can enter your home address to see the bike pathways near you. The legend (triangle, square and circle icon to the right of the map) will help you read the map. For example, the blue lines indicate a designated bike pathway.
When you go on your trip, don't forget to wear your helmet, follow road signs and keep a safe physical distance from others (2 metres or 6 feet).
City of Calgary Streets
- Painter's tape
- Toy cars
- Building blocks
Find or clear a large area of your floor. Help your child use painter's tape to mark out the main streets or highways in Calgary. Watch this virtual tour of our city for ideas on areas to include.
Create bridges and other important land markers using building blocks. Label the streets with marker to help with memorization.
Have your child drive around your miniature city with toy cars.
Toilet Paper Train
Review Questions
Ask your child:
- What are your favourite ways to travel in Calgary? Bike? Train? Car? Walking? (Feel)
- Do you think the C-Train is important? Why or why not? (Think)
- On your next family car ride, can you remember what major street or highway you are on? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: 1.3 million
- Paint
- Toilet paper tubes
- Bottle caps
- Hot glue gun
- String
- Hole punch
The C-Train is an important mode of transportation for many people living in Calgary. Watch a video about public transportation in Calgary. Have your child make their own train.
- Paint toilet paper tubes and let them dry. Put 4 holes into each tube (2 at each end). These will be the train cars.
- Glue the bottle caps to the tubes for wheels.
- Tie together your train cars using string.
Grades 4-6
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: How many kilometres of regional pathways and bikeways does The City of Calgary take care of?
Mindfulness Activity:
- Walk around the room.
- Now walk slowly.
- Now walk normally.
- Now walk VERY slowly.
- Walk normally again.
- Now walk very very slowly.
- How does it feel? Which energy level is your favourite?
Main Calgary Roads
- Paper
- Pencil
In every city, there are main roads that connect neighbourhoods and different areas. They make transportation easier by connecting the North to the South and the West to the East.
Have your child find a map of Calgary (paper or online) and look for main roads. Have them find the main roads you use the most.
Make a list of your favourite places and find them on the Calgary map. What main roads do you have to take to get to each of them?
How do I get there?
- Paper
- Pencil
Watch the City that moves video
Calgary Transit connects you with the people and places you care about with safe, accessible, reliable and courteous public transportation services. Have your child use the Calgary Transit trip planner to map out routes to their favourite locations.
- Type in your home address as the starting point, then type in the location you wish to travel to.
- Push the 'plan my trip' button to show your results.
- Make a list of the top five places you would like to visit and see what your trip would look like using Calgary Transit.
- Talk with your child about taking transit next time you are going to one of these places.
Example locations to try:
- Best friend's house
- Your favourite restaurant
- Calgary Central Library
- Chinook Mall
- Glenbow Museum
Toilet Paper Train
- 6 toilet paper rolls
- 20 plastic lids (milk containers, vitamin waters, Gatorade)
- Paint
- Paint brushes
- Yarn
- Hole punch
- Hot glue gun
- Scissors
Have your child paint the toilet paper rolls and let them dry.
Cut one of the rolls in C-shapes to create the top of the engine and caboose. Glue these pieces to the front and back rolls.
Glue the plastic lids on each roll as the wheels of your train.
Punch four small holes on each roll (two on each end). Use yarn to tie the toilet paper rolls together until all the cars of the train are connected.
Review Questions
Ask your child:
- How does it feel to try a new type of transportation, like a skateboard or a new bicycle? (Feel)
- Why do you think it is important for a city to have different types of transportation? (Think)
- How can you make good choices with the way you move through the city? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: 984
Grades 7+
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: Why do stars twinkle? See Answer at bottom of page. A. Movement in the atmosphere
B. Explosions in space
C. Light travels differently in space
Mindfulness Activity:
- Sit down so you’re comfortable.
- Be still.
- Imagine your favourite colour that helps you feel calm.
- Every time you take a breath, allow the colour to grow in your mind.
- Breathe it bigger 5 times.
- How much calmer or more awake are you? None? A little? A lot?
Discovering Pathways
One of the best things about living in Calgary is all the amazing pathways we have. While there are some big trails in the city such as Nose Hill Park and Fish Creek, there are also pathways and trails in your neighbourhood.
Use your bike or go for a walk to find the pathways your community has to offer. As you use the pathways, try to take the time to see what green spaces surround your community and where the pathways lead to. Don’t forget to practice safe physical distancing from others (2 metres or 6 feet).
Use the pathways and bikeways map to find pathways in your community and other pathways to try out.
Mapping Our City
Watch the City that moves video
Calgary Transit connects you with the people and places you care about with safe, accessible, reliable and courteous public transportation services.
Map out some of our favourite locations and use the Calgary Transit trip planner to figure out how to get to them.
- Type in your home address as the starting point and type in the location you wish to travel to.
- Push the "plan my trip" button to show your results.
Example locations to try:
- Best friend's house
- Your favourite restaurant
- Calgary Central Library
- Chinook Mall
- Glenbow Museum
Promoting Calgary
- Paper
- Pencil
- Markers
Think of a friend or family member who does not live in Calgary. Where would you take them if they visited?
Create a brochure to highlight three places you would want to take your guest. These could be in your community like your favourite park or restaurant, or famous landmarks like the Peace Bridge or the Calgary Tower.
Draw a picture of the places you have chosen. Write the name and a short description for each place.
Email pictures or snail mail your brochure to your friend or family member.
Review Questions
- How do you feel when you explore your neighbourhood on foot? On your bike? On the bus? (Feel)
- What did you learn when you were looking up locations in the city? (Think)
- What are some places you’d like to visit in Calgary? How can you get there? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: A) movement in the atmosphere.