Community - day 4 - my communities
These activities can be done alone, but work best with one or more friends on a video chat like Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.
Grades K-3
Grades K-3
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: What shape does the Calgary Tower resemble?
a) A big square box
b) A cupcake
c) The shape of the letter T
Mindfulness Activity:
- Put your palms together at chest height.
- Push your hands against each other as hard as you can.
- Which muscle gets tired first?
My Miniature Community
- Recycled products
- Brown paper bags
- Paint
- Construction paper
- Crayons or markers
- Scissors
Have your child re-create your community using recycled products. Include your community association, grocery store, the nearest park, fire station, library, recreation centre and anything else you think is important.
For example, you can make a building out of a brown paper bag. Cut out doors and windows using construction paper and glue it to the bag.

Fence Gallery
- Artist's canvas or cardboard
- Paint
- Markers
- Mod podge (to make your own mix 2 cup of white glue with 1/3 cup of water)
Have your child create a couple pieces of art and seal it with mod podge. Hang your artwork on your fence to create your own gallery. If you don’t have a fence, can you find a place where you could put your artwork up in public?
Invite your neighbours to do the same. Then plan a gallery night where neighbours can take turns walking by and view everyone’s artwork. Make sure you are maintaining a safe physical distance while you take turns looking at the art.
You can also take pictures of your fence gallery and email it to your community association.
Flower Garden
- Different coloured pieces of paper
- Crayons
- Markers
- Paint
On your next family walk, have your child take notes and/or pictures of all the different flowers, grass and other plants that are growing around your community. Notice different colours, textures and sizes. Help identify the different types of plants you’re seeing.
At home, have your child re-create the flowers and trees that you saw on your walk with paper. You can scrunch up different pieces of paper to create tree buds or flower petals.
Review Questions
Ask your child:
- What do you like most about your community? (Feel)
- Each community is a little different. Do you think there is something missing in your community? (Think)
- What other ways can we show support to our community during this time? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: A cupcake
Grades 4-6
Grades 4-6
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: What is at the end of a rainbow?
Mindfulness Activity:
- Sit down so you're comfortable.
- Notice what happens to your body when you say these sentences in your head: I am safe. I have everything that I need. I am surrounded by people who love me.
My Communities
- Paper
- Pen or pencil
- Markers
- Magazines
- Scissors
We can be part of more than one community at the same time (e.g. school communities, sports teams or neighbourhoods). What communities are you part of?
Have your child write down when they have been part of a group with a common goal or a shared interest.
On a white piece of paper, draw a circle in the middle with a picture of yourself in the circle.
Look for images in magazines that represent all the communities you are part of (or you can also draw it) and put them around the circle.

Kindness Calendar
- Paper
- Colouring items
- Glue
- Pencil
Have your child create a monthly or weekly calendar. Schedule an act of kindness for each day. You can decorate your calendar by adding colours and drawings.
Find a place in your home where you can check your calendar. Think of a reward for yourself once you completed the calendar.
Here are some ideas of acts of kindness:
- Give a book or toy to someone who needs it
- Make a song playlist or movie list to share with friends
- Call a family member or friend you haven’t talked to in a while
- Brighten someone's day with a plant or a piece of art
- Bake or cook for someone
- Thank those who are serving the community
- Talk to a senior
- Write a thank you letter to a friend or family member
Build Your Perfect Community
- Paper
- Colouring items
What are some things a community needs? What are some of the things you would like to see in your community?
Have your child think about your neighbourhood and the different places you go to regularly. Write down some of the places/things you think are essential and the things you would like to see or build in the future to make it better.
Draw a map of your perfect community and think about the most efficient location to put each place. Feel free to colour your map and include roads and names of each place.
Review Questions
Ask your child:
- How do you feel about being part of a community? (Feel)
- Do you think humans can survive without being part of a community? (Think)
- What do you want to do in the future to make your community better? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: The letter W.
Grades 7+
Grades 7+
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: Every day the sun rises and sets. Does it:
A: Rise in the East, set in the West
B: Rise in the West, set in the East
C: Rise in the North, set in the South
Mindfulness Activity:
- Sit down so you’re comfortable.
- Notice what happens to your body when you say these sentences in your head: I am safe. I have everything that I need. I am surrounded by people who love me.
Community Pictionary
- Paper
- Pencil
- Plastic cup
- Scissors
Play this game with someone who lives in your home, or with a friend over video chat.
Think of at least 10 places in your community such as parks, malls, schools, homes, streets. Try to think of specific places with a name or location that can help you identify your community location. Write them down on a piece of paper. Cut them out separately and put them into a cup.
Take turns picking places form the cup and drawing the location until the other player guesses. Keep going until all of the places have been drawn.
Community Hero Awards
- Pencil
- Paper
- Markers
Create an award to honour a hero in your community and show your gratitude for their service. It could be a teacher, a neighbour, store clerks, food delivery people or nurses.
Name the award to showcase the hero’s skills. E.g. “Above and Beyond Award” for all food delivery people.
Post your award on a window inside your house where people from your community can see it. You can also take a picture of it or mail it to friends and family you want to honour.

Photo taken by Calgary Neighbourhoods
Exploring Your Community
- Phone camera
Take a walk to explore all your favorite spots in your community. These could be locations that you have a special connection with or have visited often (e.g. school, parks, trails, etc.). Take a selfie photo with the location in the background.
Share your pictures with your friends and family, telling them the memory or reason why you chose this location.
Challenge your friends and family to find their favorite community location to share with you. Are there any common places or new places you want to visit some day?
Review Questions
- How do you feel your neighbourhood has helped you during this time of social distancing? (Feel)
- Why do you think honouring our heroes is so important? (Think)
- What did you learn when you walked around your community? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer = A: The sun rises in the East and sets in the West