Media - Day 5 grades 7+ learning activities
These activities will help youth build a positive view of themselves and recognize their strengths while thinking about media. They can be done alone or with friends over a video chat such as Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: How many bones does the skull (the hard part of your head) have? *See mindfulness activity answer at the end of the lesson plan.
A. 2
B. 5
C. 22
Mindfulness Activity:
- Sit down so you’re comfortable.
- Notice the thoughts in your head.
- Let them go without judgement.
- Say, “Let it go” for 30 seconds.
Perspective Photography
- phone camera
- paper
- pen
- markers
Perspective in photography is the sense of depth between objects in a photo. By changing perspective, subjects can appear much smaller or larger than normal. For example, if you have ever seen a picture of someone pretending to hold up the Leaning Tower of Pisa, that is a perspective photo.
Take perspective photos with your phone or laptop camera. If you don’t have access to a camera, try drawing out your perspective photo.
Find some objects in your house and use them to add the perspective. It can be any object such as a shoe, ball, stick or fruit. The farther away an object is from the human eye, the smaller it appears. It may seem even smaller if an object close to the camera looks larger, because of the relationship between those two objects. See examples online to give you some ideas.
Plan 3-5 pictures. When you have your photos, add a caption. Have some fun and be creative with your perspective photos!
Talk Show
- pencil
- paper/notebook
For this activity, create a talk show to explore a topic you are interested in.
Choose a specific topic. Try to narrow it down to something you can speak about for 5-10 minutes. For example, it could be a movie or TV show review, a cooking demonstration, exercise, music, research or news. Take the time to do some research on your topic and think about why topic is important to you.
Name your talk show. Try to pick something catchy that will help you connect with your audience.
Write a script outlining how you want to present your ideas and what you want to say. For example, if you are going to do a movie review you may want to start by introducing the movie, characters/actors, plot, budget and genre.
Take the time to practice and go through your lines. Edit any changes you think would help make things easier. Your script/notes are something you can refer to throughout your talk show, but try to see if you can do it without looking at them. Practice until you feel comfortable with the script and are ready to put on your show.
Find a space in your home that you want to present your talk show and make sure there is room for your family to watch. Try your kitchen, living room, or basement.
Invite your family and let them know what time and where the talk show will take place. Have someone take a video of your show, so you can see it afterwards and share it with your friends.
Mixed Media Art Project
Watch the video for help on this activity.
- 8 x 10 Flat Canvas or a thick piece of cardboard
- Old small toys, items, you no longer use or are broken.
- Glue. Preferably a hot glue gun for heavy items.
- Paint
- Paint Brushes
- Glitter (Optional)
Collect a variety of small items you no longer use (e.g. old small toys, bottles caps, pins, bottoms, screws, or game pieces).
Glue the items on a canvas or thick piece of cardboard and let the glue dry.
Paint over all of the items with a thick paint (like acrylic) so that they are one or two solid colors.
Add glitter if you want, then let everything dry.

Review Questions
- How does it feel to fully plan something out and then see the results?
- Why do you think talk shows are so popular?
- How can you use media to share your view of the world?
Trivia Answers
Mindfulness Activity Trivia Answer:
- C. The skull is made up of 22 bones that are joined together.