Inspiring neighbourhoods - Day 4 - Good Neighbour
These activities can be done alone, but work best with one or more friends on a video chat like Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.
Grades K-3
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: What type of tree stays green all year round?
Mindfulness Activity:
- Walk around the room.
- Now walk slowly.
- Now walk normally.
- Now, walk VERY slowly.
- Walk normally again.
- Now, walk very, very slowly.
Joke Stand
- Table
- Table cloth
- Cardboard
- String
- Markers or crayons
Have your child write down their favorite jokes.
Help your child set out a table and cloth on your front lawn or just off a sidewalk. Make a big sign that says "Joke Stand" and hang your sign so that people who are walking or driving by can see it.
Make sure you keep a safe distance from anyone who stops before you share your jokes with them.
Help your child learn about acts of kindness to support your neighbours.
Pick 3 things to do for your neighbours. Don't forget to spread the message on social media using the hashtag: #3Things4Neighbours.
A Play for Your Neighbour
- Large cardboard box
- Table
- Bed sheet or large tablecloth
- Scissors
- Markers or crayons
- Different toys
Have your child choose different toys (e.g. dolls, cars, dinosaurs) to be the characters for their play. You can dress them up to become new characters – use your imagination!
Think of how the play will start and end. What will be the conflict in your play and how will the characters overcome their conflict?
Help your child set up a theatre.
- Set up a table outside and cover it with a long table cloth or bed sheet.
- Cut out a viewing square at the bottom of the large box. Decorate your theatre.
Invite your neighbors to bring their lawn chairs and perform your play for them. Make sure everyone can stay 2 metres or 6 feet apart.
Review Questions
Ask your child:
- How do you think people feel when they hear a funny joke? (Feel)
- Was creating your own play fun? (Think)
- Can you think of other ways you can spread joy in your community? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: An evergreen tree.
Grades 4-6
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: What is the oldest neighbourhood in Calgary?
A. Inglewood
B Bowness
C. Mount Royal
Mindfulness Activity:
- Sit so you're comfortable.
- Take a deep breath in and bring your hands together.
- Start rubbing your hands together slowly. Now a little bit faster.
- Count down from 10. When you get to zero stop your rubbing your hands together but keep them pressed together.
- Notice how your hands feel and notice the warmth you created with a bit of movement.
Good Neighbours
- Paper
- Pencils
- Colouring items
What makes a good neighbour? Have your child think about a neighbour you admire or love. What are some of their qualities?
Have your child write down all the characteristics and qualities of a good neighbour.
Then use the letters of the word "neighbour" to write a story or poem. Make a big poster and write down your poem. Add colouring and images. Post your masterpiece in a window that your neighbours can see.
Hello Neighbour
Part of being a good neighbour, is to care about the wellbeing of the people that live around you. You can do this with actions like sharing food or helping with the trash bin. But you can also help your neighbours with your time and friendship.
Have your child listen to and get to know a neighbour. Set up a date (keeping in mind social distancing) and talk to a neighbour about their lives. Make sure you listen and you show your genuine interest in your neighbour.
You can ask questions like:
- How are you?
- How do you feel?
- What do you like to do?
- What was the best part of your week?
Review Questions
Ask your child:
- Do you feel like a good neighbour? Why? (Feel)
- Do you think being a good neighbour is important? (Think)
- What are some of the things you can do in the future to be a better neighbour? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: Inglewood
Grades 7+
Mindfulness Activity
Trivia Question: What is considered the fastest bird?
A. Eagle
B. Blue Jay
C. Falcon
Mindfulness Activity:
"Just right" is a feeling in our bodies. When we are "just right," we feel calm and able to connect with others.
- Think of one of your best memories.
- In that memory, how close to "just right" did you feel?
- How calm did you feel? How connected?
Random Acts of Rainbow
- Paper
- Pencil
- Markers
- Chalk
Rainbows have become a symbol of hope for people around the world as we fight COVID-19. From small bits of paper in family windows, to grand balloon displays, to chalk on the sidewalk streets and even decorating your driveway.
Find a new and creative way to make a piece of art using a rainbow. Post your rainbow somewhere people will be able to see.
Share your creation with the world on social media and inspire more action with these hashtags:
Good News Report
- Phone camera
Ask your friends, family and neighbours in your community to share some good news they have experienced during this time.
Collect all the good news you get from everyone. Record a video of you sharing the good news with everyone.
Share your video with your friends and family to enjoy together.
JOY4ALL Project
Watch the Be a good neighbour video
The Joy4All Project has created a hotline to bring joy to those in isolation. The number is (403) 209-4300 or 1 (877) JOY-4ALL.
Contribute to this project by sharing your best jokes, stories or just simple kind messages of hope to those in isolation. Submit your jokes, stories or messages.
Review Questions
- How does it feel to focus on good things happening in your community? (Feel)
- Other than the rainbow, what types of things symbolize hope for you? (Think)
- How can spreading joy and humor help those in isolation? (Act)
Mindfulness Trivia Answer
Answer: C. The fastest bird is a falcon. They can go 220 miles per hour!