These activities can be done alone, but work best with one or more friends on a video chat like Skype, Zoom, Facetime, etc.

Grades K-3

Mindfulness activity

Trivia question: What do bees make?

Mindfulness activity

  • Put your palms together at chest height.
  • Push your palms against each other as hard as you can.
  • Which muscle gets tired first?

Friendship necklace using dough jewelry


  • salt dough 
    • 2 cups flour
    • ​1 cup salt 
    • 1 cup water
  • wax paper
  • toothpick
  • yarn
  • paint


  • Preheat oven to 250 degrees
  • Mix salt dough
  • Roll out about 1/4 inch thin on wax paper
  • Create a heart shaped pendant and cut it in half so that when placed together it creates a whole
  • Poke a hole through the top for the yarn to go through
  • Bake until dry
  • You can create beads as well by rolling the dough into balls and poking holes through the dough
  • Paint your pendant and beads creatively
  • String each pendant onto a piece of yarn
  • Keep one half of the heart for yourself and gift the other to a friend

Friendship messages with sidewalk chalk paint


  • corn starch
  • water
  • food coloring
  • measuring cup
  • mixing container
  • bowl
  • paintbrushes


  • Add equal parts corn starch and water and mix together with a spoon.
  • Stir until the corn starch is fully dissolved.
  • Split the mixture up into separate containers and add a different color of food coloring to each container.
  • Use paintbrushes to create a picture or write a message for each one of your closest friends.
  • If you can safely do so, invite your friends to walk past your message, or take a picture to send to them.

Be a friend: story time

Watch the Be a Friend video:​. While you are watching, pretend to be a mime like Dennis!

Can you pull imaginary ropes? Make a box? Ride a bicycle or go down imaginary stairs? Create a play being a mime and present it in front of your family.

Review questions

Ask your child:

  • ​How does it feel having a close friend you can share things with? (Feel)
  • Do you think a pet can be your friend? Why or why not? (Think)
  • What are some other ways you can express yourself to your friend that will show them that you’re thinking about them? (Act)

Mindfulness trivia answer

Bees make honey.


Grades 4-6

Mindfulness activity

Trivia question: Where is the heart of a shrimp located?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Sit in a comfortable spot.
  • Take a deep breath in and bring your hands together.
  • Start rubbing your hands together slowly.
  • Then rub your hands together a little bit faster.
  • Count down from 10.
  • When you get to zero stop your rubbing your hands together but keep them pressed together.
  • Notice how your hands feel and notice the warmth you created with a bit of movement.

Friendship Poem

What does friendship mean to you? For this activity, you will write a poem about friendship.


  • colouring items
  • white paper


  • On the first line of your poem, write three adjectives that make you think of friendship. An adjective is a word that describes something, like friendly, supportive, or silly.
  • On the second line, write three verbs that make you think of friendship. A verb is something you do, like hug, talk, or play.
  • On the third line, write three nouns that make you think of friendship. A noun is a person, place, or thing, like fort, buddy, or sleepover.
  • Create a few poems like this, and create your own book of friendship poetry.
friendship poem

Friendship necklace


  • cardboard
  • glue
  • paint
  • paintbrush
  • scissors
  • pencil 
  • hole punch
  • yarn or coloured string


  • Draw two connected puzzle shapes. If you have a puzzle at home, you can take two of those pieces and trace them on the cardboard.
  • Cut the puzzle pieces and paint them with your favourite colours.
  • Let the paint dry and punch a hole at the top of each piece.
  • If you want to make the piece more durable, you can spread glue on it and let it dry. Cut two feet of yarn or string per necklace and thread the string or yarn through the hole.
  • If you have beads, add some onto the string.
  • Finish by tying the ends of the string or yarn together. Keep one half for yourself, and give the other half to a friend.

Friend Seeking Friend


  • paper
  • pen or pencil


Write a wanted ad to find a good friend. Think about the different qualities you are looking for in a friend and list them. Make sure to explain why these qualities are needed. At the end of your ad, list the things they can expect from you if they decide to respond to the ad.

Review questions:

Ask your child:

  • How do you feel about making new friends? (Feel)
  • Do you think having friends can be hard? (Think)
  • What can you do in the future to make sure your friends feel appreciated? (Act)

Mindfulness trivia answer

Answer: In the head.

Grades 7+

Mindfulness activity:

Trivia question: How many pounds does the adult human brain weigh?

  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 10

Mindfulness activity:

  • Sit down however is most comfortable for you. 
  • Put one hand on your belly, and the other on your chest. Breathe in. 
  • Switch hands. 
  • Breathe in again. 
  • Which way felt better?

Friendship recipe


  •  ​paper 
  • markers


Friendships are important relationships that everyone encounters during their lifetime. Friendships helps us get through difficult times and join us in the many adventures we encounter. Having a successful friendship is knowing what type of friend we look for in a person. Let’s think of characteristics of a friendship and use it as a recipe to use when discovering new relationships in our lives. Share your recipe with your friends and see if they can create their own.

recipe for friendship

Friendship quiz


  • paper
  • pencil

Watch the Friendship Quiz video


Take this friendship test and see how well you know your best friend. Have your friend take the quiz to see how well they know you and compare your answers to see who can correctly answer the most questions about each other.


  1. Where did we first meet?
  2. What was the first thing we did together?
  3. When the last time we saw each other was and what did we do?
  4. What is my biggest fear?
  5. What am I most proud of?
  6. Most embarrassing moment?
  7. Favourite TV show or Movie?
  8. What musician/artists would you want to see live?
  9. What is my dream job?
  10. Favourite takeout food?

Friendship brain teasers


  • paper
  • pencil

Friends overcome disagreements and challenges together. Call a friend and see if you can put your brains together to solve these brain teasers. Keep track of the ones you get right to mark your points together.


  1. Arnold Schwarzenegger has a long one. Michael J. Fox has a short one. Madonna does not use hers. Bill Clinton always uses his. The Pope never uses his. What is it?
  2. A man wanted to work, but he could not log in to his computer terminal successfully. He tried twice, but still his password did not work. He suddenly remembered that the passwords are reset every month for security purposes. So, he called his boss and said, “Hey boss, my password is out of date. His boss replied, “Yes, that’s right. The password is different. Listen carefully. I am sure, you can figure out the new one. The new one has the same amount of letters as your old password, but only four of the letters are the same.” Thanks boss. With that, the man could correctly log into his station. What are both the new and old passwords?
  3.  A man is headed to a mountain along with a lion, a goat, and a basket of vegetables. On the way, he needs to cross a river and the boat can only carry two things at a time. If he takes the vegetables, the lion will eat the goat. If he takes the lion, the goat will eat the vegetables. How does he cross the river?

Brain teaser answers

  1. ​Last name
  2. The old one was “out of date.” The new one is “different.” 
  3. Trips
    1. Trip 1: He takes the goat with him, leaving the lion and the vegetables behind. On reaching the other riverbank, he drops off the goat.
    2. Trip 2: He then comes back for the lion, leaving the vegetables behind. On reaching the bank this time, he drops the lion, and again takes the goat along.
    3. Trip 3: He drops off the goat again and takes the vegetables with him to the other shore. Trip 4: Lastly, he comes back alone for the goat.

Review questions

Ask your child:

  • How do you feel when you think about your best friends? (Feel) 
  • Why do you think friends are important? (Think)
  • What are other ways we can learn about our best friends? (Act)

Mindfulness trivia answer

3 pounds
