Sidewalk games
Sidewalk 7 Up!
A bouncy ball (tennis ball or small rubber ball) and a flat paved area.
How to play
- Find a safe place to play where you can bounce a ball
- Decide as a family if the goal is to try each challenge or complete each challenge, or have a family challenge where the first person tries sevens and the next person tries sixes and so on.
- 7 - Sevens: Bounce the ball against the ground seven times
- 6 - Sixes: Throw the ball up in the air and catch it. Repeat six times
- 5 - Fives: Bounce the ball on the ground five times. Throw it hard enough so it bounces up over your head. Catch on the way down. Repeat five times.
- 4 - Fours: Throw the ball up, let bounce, then catch. Repeat four times.
- 3 - Threes: Bounce the ball, then hit it down again before catching. Repeat three times.
- 2 - Twos: Bounce the ball under your leg, two times.
- 1 - Onesies: Throw the ball up in the air, spin around and catch it before it hits the ground.
Want more challenge? Try adding a clap or snap, knee lift or some other move between each throw.
These skills are only suggestions. Be creative and come up with your own challenges.