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Wellness day 2 grades K - 3 learning activities

These activities will help youth Learn about their values and strengths, and how they share them with the world. They can be done alone, but work best with friends over a video chat such as Skype, Zoom, Facetime etc.

Strengths build confidence and a positive attitude about who we are. Values are the principles we stand by when deciding what is right and wrong in the face of moral or social pressure.

Duration: 60 - 90 Minutes


Mindfulness activity 1

Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. Which superhero turns green when he gets angry?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Slowly raise your hands in the air and take a deep breath in.
  • Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds.
  • Slowly lower your hands to the floor and breathe out as much as you can.

Mind Power


Time: 5 – 10 minutes


  • 3 coloured cups
  • A quarter (or something small that can be hidden under a cup)


  • Arrange the three cups upside down and in a row on a table or counter. Put the quarter under one of the cups.
  • Switch the positions of the cups for about 30 seconds, then have your child guess where the quarter is.
  • Take turns doing this with your child, going a little faster each time.

Hot Lava


Time: 5 – 10 minutes


  • Sunglasses
  • Pillows


Give your child a pair of sunglasses to wear and tell them they are X-Ray vision glasses. Set up pillows and cushions on the floor around the living room or another room. Have your child use their X-Ray vision to detect danger and move across the lava stream. They can only hop on the pillows to safely make a path across the lava (it could be from one couch to another). You can remove cushions or add obstacles.​​

Mindfulness Activity 2


Time: 5 minutes

Trivia question: What colour is Superman’s cape?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Slowly raise your hands in the air, and take a deep breath in.
  • Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds.
  • Slowly lower your hands to the floor and breathe out as much as you can.



Time: 20 – 25 minutes


  • Blank paper
  • Pencil
  • Markers
  • scissors
  • Tape
  • Popsicle stick (or ruler or anything long and sturdy)


On a piece of blank paper, have your child draw themselves as a superhero. Ask them to think of their own strengths and skills as their super powers (for example: kindness, listening, speed, fort-building, math, etc.).

Have your child use another piece of blank paper to create a villain. Ask your child to name the superhero and the villain. Then ask them to tell you about the characters they create.

Next, have your child cut out their hero and their villain. Tape them to a popsicle stick. Act out the following situations with your child, or create your own:

  • The villain is turning all the rivers and lakes in Alberta into Jello.
  • The villain is filling the streets with syrup and all the busses are stuck.
  • The villain is eating everyone’s homework.

Next, challenge your child to act out the superhero to try to get the villain to become good instead of evil.​​

How Does Your Superhero Move?


Time: 5 – 10 minutes


  • small blanket or large towel

Using a small blanket or a large towel, create a cape for your child. Find a space where they can move freely, then ask the questions below. Give your child 10-15 seconds to answer each question.

  • How does your superhero jump?
  • How does your superhero squat?
  • How does your superhero do jumping jacks?
  • How does your superhero roll?
  • How does your superhero dance?
  • How does your superhero do pushups?
  • How does your superhero crouch?
  • How does your superhero balance?
  • How does your superhero sing?
  • How does your superhero leap?
  • What else can your superhero do?

Mindfulness Activity 3


Time: 5 – 10 minutes

Trivia question: Think of the answer in your head. Who fights crime in Gotham City?

Mindfulness activity:

  • Slowly raise your hands in the air, and take a deep breath in.
  • Hold your breath for 3-5 seconds.
  • Slowly lower your hands to the floor and breathe out as much as you can.

Strengths Chain


Time: 10 – 15 minutes


  • Construction paper cut into 1”x6” strips (you can use any paper that a child can easily write on)
  • Pencil or markers
  • Tape or glue

Have your child come up with a list of their strengths and write each one on a strip of paper. They could be physical strengths, mental strengths, social strengths, creative strengths - anything! Help them think of lots of strengths.

When they have written 10 – 20 strengths, have them tape or glue the ends of one together to form a ring. Then have them add another ring and make a chain. Make sure the strengths are visible on the outside so that your child can read them. When it’s finished, hang it somewhere your child will be able to see it often to remind them of the things they are good at.​

Trivia Answers

Mindfulness Activity 1: The Hulk

Mindfulness Activity 2: Red

Mindfulness Activity 3: Batman​​​
