City Building Program
The City Building Program will strengthen our citywide plans and tools so they work together seamlessly. The result will be easy-to-use, understand and implement tools that will have positive effects on Calgarians’ lives. The program has three main pieces:

The Calgary Plan
The Calgary Plan will guide how Calgary will grow and change over the next 30 years and set the direction for future land use and mobility decisions and inform servicing and investment decisions.
Read the final draft Calgary Plan Learn more about the Calgary Plan2.

The Zoning Bylaw
The new Zoning Bylaw (currently called the Land Use Bylaw) will simplify the rules that govern the use of land and the form of buildings in the city.
Learn more about the new Zoning Bylaw3.

The Street Manual
The new Street Manual (currently called the Complete Streets Policy & Guide) will provide updated direction for the design of Calgary’s streets to support safe travel options for all Calgarians.
Why does this program matter?

The Key Directions in the draft Calgary Plan are The City’s strategic priorities for the next 10 years, describing how The City will accomplish the goals and outcomes of the plan and take action on Truth and Reconciliation, equity and climate.
The key directions are:
- Accommodating a Growing City: The Calgary Plan directs a balanced approach to growth.
- Protecting, Connecting & Integrating Natural Areas: The Calgary Plan protects natural systems, increases connections between them, and increases access to natural areas for Calgarians.
- Creating Walkable, Complete Communities: The Calgary Plan enables complete and walkable communities in all areas of the city, by supporting a diversity of housing, land uses, and scales of development as we grow.
- Building Around Transit: The Calgary Plan prioritizes building communities around transit, enabling growth around all transit stations, and connecting people to where they need and want to go.
- Connecting Mobility Networks: The Calgary Plan supports safe, affordable, and convenient travel options for all Calgarians.
- Building a Strong Downtown: The Calgary Plan supports a people-focused downtown that is safe and welcoming for everyone, with connected neighbourhoods, active streets, and well-used, accessible public spaces.
- Expanding Housing Choice & Increasing Supply: The Calgary Plan enables increased housing choice and supply by making it easier to provide different types of housing across the city.
- Achieving Quality Design Outcomes: The Calgary Plan sets direction for achieving design excellence, building a city that is livable, attractive, memorable and functional.
- Strengthening Calgary’s Economy: The Calgary Plan supports innovation and creativity to modernize the economy and increase inclusive economic participation.
Past Engagement Phases
Phase 1: Where are we going?
Phase 2: How are we going to get there?
Phase 3: What comes next for The Calgary Plan?