City Building Program

City Building Program

The City Building Program will strengthen our citywide plans and tools so they work together seamlessly. The result will be easy-to-use, understand and implement tools that will have positive effects on Calgarians’ lives. The program has three main pieces and that will go before Council for approval by the end of 2024:


The Calgary Plan

The Calgary Plan will merge the Municipal Development Plan with the Calgary Transportation Plan into one updated document. This statutory plan will guide the way we move and use land across the city.

Phase 2 engagement is now closed. Phase 3 coming soon.


The Zoning Bylaw

The new Zoning Bylaw (currently called the Land Use Bylaw) will simplify the rules that govern the use of land and the form of buildings in the city.

Phase 2 engagement is now closed. Phase 3 coming soon.


The Street Manual

The new Street Manual (currently called the Complete Streets Policy & Guide) will provide updated direction for the design of Calgary’s streets to support safe travel options for all Calgarians.

Phase 2 engagement is now closed. Phase 3 coming soon.

Why does this program matter?

Calgary is changing rapidly. For our city to maintain being a great place to live, we need to take intentional actions now. This will ensure we create a city that provides more choice for every Calgarian. Our program sets the plans and tools that will enable strong development outcomes over time. These outcomes are: 

  1. Improve housing security and choice by making it easier to build more homes and increase the mix of housing types in Calgary.
  2. Support economic development by making it easier for businesses and industries to thrive.
  3. Build a fair and equitable Calgary through learning about inequities and addressing them.
  4. Act on climate change by reinforcing actions to build sustainable communities, homes, structures and mobility choices. 
  5. Enhance relationships with Indigenous communities by listening to and collaborating with people and actioning The White Goose Flying Report.

How can I participate?

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
