Nose Hill Park 14 Street N.W. parking improvements
Nose Hill Park 14th Street NW parking improvements
Temporary closure of 14th Street N.W. parking lot
To ensure Nose Hill Park is accessible for everyone to enjoy, improvements are planned for the 14th Street N.W. parking lot.
On Aug. 16, 2021, the lot will temporarily close as crews complete upgrades like paving the lot, increasing parking capacity, and adding accessible stalls. Work is expected to be completed by mid-October, weather dependent.
Throughout the closure, visitors can continue to enjoy Nose Hill Park, and park at any of the five other lots:
Shaganappi/Edgemont parking lot
Brisebois Drive parking lot
South Zone parking lot, accessed through the Winter Club
64th Avenue. N.W. parking lot
Berkley Gate parking lot
If you’d like more information or have questions about the project, please contact 311.
Click image to view parking improvements
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