Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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The Centre City is Calgary's most important economic generator and convergent point for Calgarians who use a variety of modes to travel to and within this destination. However, Centre City is constrained by very high density, relatively new development and a well established road network. The limitations provide challenges in how to deal with the mobility of Calgarians in the downtown area.

The Centre City Mobility Plan defines and coordinates the role and function of the streets within the Centre City to provide effective and appropriate accommodation of all modes of travel. It follows the Council approved Policy direction provided by the 2007 Centre City Plan and the Calgary Transportation Plan.

The Centre City Plan continues to serve as the guiding document for urban design of the public realm in the Centre City.

Why has this plan been produced?

The objective of this plan is to provide a balanced and coordinated long-term plan that provides for pedestrians, cyclists, transit customers, goods movement, and vehicles in the Centre City. The strategy is to bring the Mobility Network up to date with recently approved Policy including the Centre City Plan (2007) and the Calgary Transportation Plan, replacing the Downtown Street Network Study (1987).

The Centre City Mobility Plan is an initiative to implement concepts from the Centre City Plan (CCP) and is one of the recommended actions from the CCP report, Chapter 6 - Movement and Access System. The action was to "Develop a Centre City Transportation Plan to review existing policies and plans in order to support the vision of the Centre City Plan and implement the Green Transportation and Public Realm Hierarchy." This included a review of the role and function of the rights-of-way within the Centre City.

What is included in the plan?

The Centre City Mobility Plan updates the street classifications for the Centre City within the area boundaries. While the street classifications define the function of each street within the transportation network for all transportation modes and brings the classifications of the streets in the Centre City up to date with the Calgary Transportation Plan, the urban design characteristics of each roadway are described and defined in the Centre City Plan (Section 7.7.1).

The Centre City Plan identified linkage types, i.e., streetscape character, for each street in the Centre City. The Centre City Plan continues to serve as the guiding document for urban design of the public realm in the Centre City, and corridor design projects will refer to the principles outlined in Section 7.7.1 of the Centre City Plan.

This plan also identifies the Pedestrian Network, the Bicycle Network, and the Transit Network for the Centre City, all of which are consistent with the Centre City Plan and/or the Calgary Transportation Plan, and provides principles for appropriately accommodating all travel modes in the Centre City.

This report will provide immediate guidance for development applications and transportation corridor development in the Centre City. Any future work which involves significant changes to streets within the Centre City would be subject to further study and would include appropriate stakeholder engagement.

It does not alter the Bylaw setbacks and/or ultimate property lines.

This information has no legal status and cannot be used as an official interpretation of the various bylaws, codes and regulations currently in effect. The City of Calgary accepts no responsibility to persons relying solely on this information. Web pages are updated periodically. ​
