Pageantry Flag permit
Permits are required to install pageantry flags on City-owned street light poles. The City will only grant permits for pageantry flags to:
- City of Calgary departments
- Business Improvement Areas
- community associations
- to promote major public events
- subdivision development
All banners on City street light poles must follow the temporary Signs Bylaw 29M97.
These banners must be approved by The City of Calgary and generally stay up for a period of up to six months. Each application is reviewed on a case-by-case basis. For detailed information on design requirements, sanctioned and restricted streetlights, and installation requirements, please see the Pageantry Flag Permit Guidelines.
Information to apply
- A certificate of insurance with two million dollars of liability insurance and a 30-day cancellation clause naming the City of Calgary as co-insured for the period that the pageantry flags will be displayed. The applicant acknowledges that they are responsible for all damages to the structure(s) caused by the installation of their flags.
- Request on letterhead, indicating that the applicant is a City of Calgary business unit, community association, business improvement area (BIA), or for a major public event (e.g. The Calgary Stampede, Spruce Meadows, etc.)
- In the letter, the locations and number of pageantry flags you are requesting permission to install.
- An electronic copy (pdf) of a scaled detailed drawing conforming to the pageantry flag design and installation requirements. This drawing must demonstrate the exact dimensions, proposed artwork, construction material and mounting hardware/method must be submitted for review.
How to apply
Pageantry flag permit applications are accepted via email at:
$63.05 + GST, plus cost of inspections
- Cost of Inspections: $400 + GST per quadrant your flags will be displayed
All fees are non-refundable
Applications must be submitted a minimum of four weeks prior to the desired installation date, and may be submitted up to four months in advance.