Be safe. Drive slow.

School’s back! This means excited children will be on the streets, roadways, pathways and sidewalks walking and wheeling to class. They are counting on us to keep them safe.

This also means routes are busier and more congested. School buses are picking up children, kids on bikes are trying to beat the bell, and rushed adults are doing school drop-off before work. There’s never been a more important time for people driving to slow down and look out for others.

This fall and indeed throughout the year, we are reminding drivers to slow down, park smart and give space.

As the summer season transitions into a new school year, drivers need to prioritize safety, especially near schools where increased activity poses potential risks for both drivers and children.

Be Safe. Drive smart.

Playground Zone Safety

Playground zones warn motorists to take extra caution and reduce speed when driving near playgrounds and schools. The kids are counting on us to keep them safe. When driving through a playground zone, remember:

  • Children do not perceive traffic the same way adults do, so extra caution is needed.
  • The maximum permitted speed in playground zones is 30 km/h during zone hours.
  • The zones are in effect from 7:30 a.m. until 9 p.m. every day of the year.
  • You may not pass another vehicle or person cycling within the playground zone during this time. 

Parking around schools

Familiarize yourself with your school’s pick-up and drop-off procedures. The kids are counting on us to know this. Drive carefully and watch out for children. When driving through a playground zone near a school, remember:

  • Traffic congestion near schools is problematic.
    • Consider parking a few blocks away and walking part of the way to school or try carpooling.
  • Do not double park – it is illegal and dangerous as it blocks visibility.
  • Park a minimum of five metres away from a crosswalk to ensure children can see and be seen by traffic. Children need to see around our vehicles and they need to be seen by others.
  • Do not park in school bus zones.
  • Do not park within 1.5 metres of a driveway, garage, or alley.
  • Watch for and obey all signage in place, such as hug & go zones, no parking and restricted drop off areas at your student’s school.

Back-to-School: Parking Tips to Keep Kids Safe (Calgary Parking)

For more information, visit Calgary Parking.

School bus safety

Always watch for children around a school bus when it is stopped, as children can be unpredictable and unaware of the risks. They are counting on us to pay attention. Slow down, be prepared to stop and don’t follow too closely behind. Do not pass a school bus, as it is likely stopped to load and unload children.

  • Amber flashing lights: School buses use flashing amber lights to alert passing motorists that the bus is slowing down and preparing to load or unload children.
    • If you approach a school bus with its amber lights flashing, you may pass with caution. Remember to watch for pedestrians and be prepared to stop.
  • Red flashing lights: School bus operators are prohibited from using their red flashing lights on most Calgary roads.
    • They are required to use them in rural areas when stopping to load or unload children.
    • If you see a school bus with its red lights flashing, you must stop regardless of your direction of travel, unless you’re on the opposite side of a divided road. 

Pathway safety

With school starting in September and the return of more typical commuting volumes, now is a good time to remind kids how to move safely on pathways. 

Everyone using the pathway system, pedestrian and wheeled users alike, can stay safe by:

  • Remaining to the right of the line except to pass
  • Leaving a minimum of one meter between yourself and the person you are passing
  • When approaching from behind, make yourself heard by using your voice to announce “passing on your left”
  • Only pass when there are no oncoming users and never pass on blind corners or in underpasses.

Learn more about pathway bylaws and safety tips.

Tools and Resources
