Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

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The City of Calgary’s Community Speed Watch Program allows citizens to volunteer their time to increase awareness about speed in their communities. This education program is available to citizens in coordination with The City.

Community Speed Watch locations

The primary focus area for this program is in playground zones and residential roads where speed is a concern. The speed limits of these types of roads are generally 30 km/h or 50 km/h. In special circumstances where there is a safe location to run the speed watch roads with speed limits of 60 km/h may be considered.

Community Speed Watch times

For playground zones the best time for the Community Speed Watch is usually during the morning school drop off. Community Speed Watch in other areas or for other concerns can be done at the time of the day when the speeds of concern are noted by the citizen. Initially, the availability for this program is Tuesday to Friday between 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. and the activity can be between 1-2 hours long; other times can be arranged if needed.

Get involved with the Community Speed Watch program

Submit a request with:

  • your name and contact info;
  • the location and time of concern;
  • note the situation and speed limit, and a preferred time and date to run the Community Speed Watch.

City staff will contact you to confirm availability or arrange an alternate date.

Equipment provided

Volunteer equipment consists of reflective vests (3 standard – additional can be arranged), sandwich board signs, sign paddle “slow please” or “thank you!”, and a radar gun.

Instruction on the use of the equipment will be provided and City staff and Calgary Police Services will be in the area if support is required. Speeds of approaching vehicles will be measured and the appropriate message will be shown to the motorists using the paddle. The strict posted speed limit must be used as the threshold for the slow down message, i.e. “slow please” should be displayed if the speed limit is 50 km/h and a motorist is measured at 51 km/h, but should not be displayed if they are measured at 50 km/h.

City of Calgary Police involvement

The presence of the Police is merely to ensure that there are no confrontational interactions. Enforcement activities may be done if the Community Speed Watch documents high levels of non-compliance.

Speed watch volunteers

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