Worksheet 4
Checklist of Statistical Information
Ways to Use this Worksheet
- Use it as a guide to get you and the planning group thinking about the kind of statistical data to collect as part of the community assessment.
- Use it as a checklist to help you determine what statistical data is actually available for your community.
Population Characteristics
- Total population
- Historical growth
- Age and gender distribution
- Ethnic origin
- Recent immigrants
- Household/family composition
- Education level
- Home language
- Persons who speak neither English nor French
Economic Indicators
- Labour force participation
- Employment rates
- Average and median income
- Source of income
- Employment by sector/industry
- Population below low income cutoffs
- Seniors receiving OAS/GIS
- Households with children receiving SFI
- Food bank usage
- Total housing stock
- types of housing
- Owned/rented housing
- Social housing stock
- Housing values
- Dwellings that require major repair
Health Indicators
- Birth
- Infant mortality
- Low birth weight babies
- Deaths
- Causes of death
- Sexually transmitted diseases
- Teen pregnancies
- Immunizations
- Property crime
- Crime against persons
- Enrollments at different schools
- Children in school feeding programs
- Children in special/alternative education programs
- ESL students
- Absenteeism
- Disciplinary actions/expulsions
- Drop-outs
- Academic test results
Service Utilization
- Child welfare
- Youth probation
- Mental health
- Recreation programs
- Other non-profit agencies
- Special needs transportation
- Home help
Adapted from Samuels et al., 1993