If you have travelled outside of Canada in the past 14 days
If you are a close contact of someone who has tested positive or are waiting for test results for COVID-19
Contact tracing
Voluntary forms will be made available during the first class.
In the event that a presumptive/probable case of COVID-19 is identified in a class, these participants may be contacted by AHS.
All completed forms are kept confidential.
How we’re keeping you safe
Making sure our facilities align with provincial guidelines
Cleaning and disinfecting high touch areas (e.g. doors, washrooms, etc.)
Providing access to hand sanitizer and hand wash stations
Having staff wear face coverings if first aid is required
Limiting the number of children allowed in each program to support physical distancing
Staff will ensure children are practicing physical distancing (2 metres or 6 feet apart) as much as possible
Each site will have a designated space for isolation if presumptive/probable cases of COVID-19 are identified
Staff will conduct non-contact symptom screening for your child at drop-off as well as throughout the day. Parents/guardians will be contact immediately to arrange for the child to leave the program and/or make arrangements for pick up.pick should your child show signs of illness.
How you and your group can keep safe
Make sure you and your child understand the COVID-19 guidelines and sign theCOVID-19 Waiver
Don’t share food, drinks or water with other children
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before, during and after your activity
Avoid touching your eyes, nose, mouth and face
Cover coughs and sneezes in a tissue or your elbow
Practice physical distancing (2 metres or 6 feet apart if possible) and limit physical contact; no close contact huddles, no handshakes or high fives