Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

As a certified cross-connection tester, you have an important role in ensuring compliance with Calgary’s Water Utility Bylaw.

Whether it’s installing, replacing or repairing cross-connection devices, performing annual tests or submitting the reports, your efforts help protect Calgary’s drinking water system.

As per The City’s Water Utility Bylaw:

  • Cross-connection devices must be registered and tested at installation.
  • Devices must also be tested at the time the device is cleaned, repaired, or replaced, and at least once per year.
  • Devices protecting irrigation systems are only required to be tested when the irrigation system is turned on for the season, if the system isn’t used the device does not need to be tested.
  • Failed cross connection devices must be repaired or replaced within 5 business days.

Frequently asked questions (FAQ's)

Where can I get more red tags?

How can I become a certified tester for The City?

  • Cross connection control testers are individuals certified by recognized institutions to test cross connection control devices and systems.

In order to test devices in the City of Calgary, you must:

  1. Have passed a cross connection control course in backflow preventer testing at an accredited college or institution and obtain a certification from a recognized institution.
  2. Become certified with the American Water Works Association as a Cross Connection Control Specialist and possess a current American Water Works Association (AWWA) Backflow Tester’s Certificate from Western Canada Section (WCS) AWWA.
  3. Finally, you must register your certification by applying to The City of Calgary. To apply, complete the Cross Connection Control Tester Application and submit via an online tester service request or upload directly to your account in SwiftComply if you already have an account.

When you apply to register your certification with the City, you will need the following:

  • A completed application form
  • A copy of your Cross- Connection Control Specialist Certificate
  • A current accuracy verification or calibration certificate for the test equipment you will be utilizing to test cross connection control devices

Does The City promote or recognize my company?

The City does not endorse or promote certified cross-connection testers, or any contractors for that matter. We do however add contact information of approved, certified testers to the Certified tester list.

What happens if I fail to renew my registration & certification on time?

If you fail to renew, or if your qualifications have lapsed, you can no longer test in the city of Calgary and any test reports received will be returned to the owner of the property.

For AWWA Certification typically you will need to take a recertification course if your qualifications lapse.

For City of Calgary Annual registration testers that have not been testing within a year must go to a training facility – recognized institution and do the 6 tests

What if I have moved, or no longer work for the same company?

It is essential that you report any change of company, address or equipment to the Cross- Connection Control Department. To report a change in your information, please submit your request using the Tester Online Service Request.

Where can I get reference materials?

Listed below are the approved backflow devices:

  • Reduced Pressure Principle Backflow Prevention Assembly (RP)
  • Double Check Valve Assembly (DC)
  • Pressure Vacuum Breaker Assembly (PVB)
  • Spill Resistant Vacuum Breaker Assembly (SRPVB)

For a current listing of certified backflow preventers, visit the Canadian Standards Association website.

See The City of Calgary Standard Specifications Waterworks Construction for specification drawings on servicing requirements for residential, commercial and industrial developments, water meter details, and cross connection control device details.

You can also find more information about cross connection control in our  Commercial/Industrial cross connections brochure.

When will sight tubes be discontinued for use in Calgary?

Cross Connection Control tests performed with Sight Tubes will no longer be accepted by the City starting April 1, 2022. While the national standard does allow for the sight tubes to be used and the tests are accurate and valid, it does not dictate that municipalities or water service providers must follow or allow this practice.

The City of Calgary is making this decision to facilitate the move to a digital repository (Swift Comply) that requires all testing equipment to be registered and have proof of annual calibration.  As the steward of high quality drinking water for Calgarians, The City is responsible for the water quality and safety while making accountable for decisions that mitigate risk to the water system.

We believe this decision best supports Calgarians and the Cross Connection Control Program as we move towards a risk based approach in our digital future. Together with the support of our third party partners such as your company and registered testers we will strive to implement an efficient system that will benefit all parties and keep our water system safe. We appreciate your diligence as we move forward.

Instructional videos

  • Cross Connections for Testers

    This video provides an overview of the resources that can be found on The City of Calgary cross connections for testers page found at

  • New locations and replacement assemblies

    This video goes over the requirements when entering a new location and demonstrates how to enter test reports for new or replacement assemblies.

  • Existing locations and assemblies and annual reports

    This video demonstrates how to search for existing locations and assemblies, enter an annual test report and review the post report.

  • Returned Reports

    This video demonstrates how to review, edit and resubmit a report that was returned to you by the Data & Compliance team.

  • Test reports page

    This video provides as overview of the test reports page, including how to filter based on specific parameters and how to view a report.

  • Profile page

    This video demonstrates how to update your profile information, including tester certification and Local Registration.

  • Service provider information

    This video demonstrates how to update your service provider information and calibration certificates for test kits.
