City Auditor's Office
The mission of the City Auditor's Office is to provide independent and objective assurance, advisory and investigative services to add value to The City of Calgary and enhance public trust.
The City Auditor is a designated officer appointed by Council and is independent of The City's Administration. The City Auditor reports to Council through the Audit Committee. The City Auditor's duties, responsibilities and authority are established by Bylaw 30M2004.
The City Auditor's Office is responsible for assisting Council in its oversight of the City Manager's Administration, accountability for stewardship over public funds, and accountability for the achievement of value for money in City operations.
The Office has operating protocols to ensure the transparency and integrity of auditing and reporting processes. The City Auditor has the authority to audit any area of City operations reporting to the City Manager, as well as consolidated entities, or civic entities who receive any type of benefit from The City of Calgary (financial, assets, or in‑kind).
Information, reports and programs
The City Auditor's Office (CAO) is subject to the supervision of, and accountable to, City Council, and reports to Council through the Audit Committee.
The City Auditor’s Office (CAO) provides independent and objective assurance and insight on governance, risk management and internal control processes.
The City Auditor’s Office (CAO) audit process utilizes a risk-based approach throughout all phases of the audit: planning, fieldwork, and reporting.
Quarterly and annual public reports provide transparency on delivery of the approved plan and management’s implementation of recommendations.
Whistle-blower Program
The Whistle-blower Program (WBP) provides an independent and confidential channel to report suspected waste and / or wrongdoing.