Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 4 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. We are also asking businesses and residents to reduce indoor water use by 25%.

Learn more

File an appeal with the Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board

The Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board (LCSAB) is a  quasi-judicial board that hears appeals of certain decisions made by The City of Calgary Administration.

Check your decision or order and ensure you are submitting the appeal within the designated deadlines. If you are unsure, contact the LCSAB office.

Appeal process

  • File an appeal

    Step 1

    Submit the appeal form, filing fee and a copy of the order, notice or decision being appealed before the deadline.

  • Hearing

    Step 2

    A hearing is scheduled within 60 days. Submit evidence in electronic format before the hearing.

  • Decision

    Step 3

    A written decision with reasons is issued within 60 days of the hearing

1. File an appeal

Submitting an appeal online

It is not necessary to come to the LCSAB’s office to file an appeal. Simply follow this link to file an LCSAB appeal online. 

Filing fee

To file an appeal online you will need to have or create a free MyID account in order to pay the appeal fee. 

Online payment is by Credit/Debit payment card only

If you have problems filing your appeal, please call 403-268-5312 or send an email to You will receive a response during business hours (8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday). More information about filing appeals can be found at

Submitting an appeal in person/mail

You may also choose to file your appeal by paper by downloading, printing and completing the Notice of Appeal form

Place the appeal and appropriate fee in a securely closed envelope and deliver to the LCSAB office on the 4th floor or in our drop box on the 1st floor of 1212 31 Avenue NE, Deerfoot Junction 3.

Deliver to: Mail to:

Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board
4th Floor, 1212 31 Ave. NE (DJ3 building)
Calgary, AB T2E 7S8

Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board #8110
P.O. Box 2100, Station M,
Calgary AB T2P 2M5

Payment by Cheque or Cash only


Deliver to:

City Cashiers
City of Calgary, Municipal Building,
3rd Floor, 800 Macleod Trail S.E.
Attention: City Appeal Boards (#8110)
T2P 2M5

Payment by Cheque or Cash only


To appeal certain decisions of The City of Calgary Administration you must submit a Notice of Appeal form and pay the non-refundable $100 filing fee, (unless it is an appeal for a weed notice, in which case the filing fee is $500.00) within the filing deadline.

  • Your appeal must be received at the LCSAB office on or before the final date of appeal noted on your order, notice or decision. Appeal filing deadlines vary by the type of order. Ensure you check your order, notice or decision carefully. If you have any questions about the timelines or requirements for filing an appeal, contact the LCSAB office.

If you provide an email address, copies of orders, notices, decisions, or other materials, may be sent to you via email.

Weed Control Act Appeals

If you are filing a Weed Control Act Appeal, download and fill in the notice of appeal form below.

  • The fee for appeals of decisions made under the Weed Control Act is $500.
  • Appeals made under the Weed Control Act cannot be filed by email or fax. The Weed Control Act requires the Notice of Appeal and accompanying materials to be delivered personally, or sent by certified or registered mail.        

Download and fill in the Weed Control Act Appeal form.

Agricultural Pests Act Appeals

If you are filing an Agricultural Pests Act Appeal, download and fill in the notice of appeal form below.

  • The fee for appeals of decisions made under the Agricultural Pests Act is $100, which shall be refunded if the appeal is successful 
  • Appeals must be filed within the time specified in the notice for taking any measures or within 10 days after service of the notice, whichever is less. 
  • Appeals made under the Agricultural Pests Act cannot be filed by email or fax. The Agricultural Pests Act requires the Notice of Appeal and accompanying materials to be delivered in person, or be sent by registered mail.

Download and fill in the Agricultural Pests Act Appeal form.

2. Hearing

An appeal hearing will be scheduled within 60 days of the appeal having been filed and you will receive notice of the hearing date, time and location.

Appellants must not contact members of the Board regarding their appeal. Any such contact may disqualify members from participating in the hearing of an appeal. Board members do not confer with City Administration prior to hearings.

Submit evidence

In accordance with the Board’s procedure, you must submit all evidence that you intend to rely upon during the hearing (for example: photographs, diagrams, sketches and any other materials) in electronic format by noon, eight (8) days before the hearing date (usually Monday) to both the Board and to the other party or parties, as described in the LCSAB Procedure. The Board may refuse to receive and consider evidence that is not disclosed in advance of the hearing if it would be unfair to other parties to the proceeding.

The hearing

  • Hearings will be conducted virtually using Microsoft Teams. Information about how to participate in the Microsoft Teams hearing is available from the LCSAB Administration if needed.
  • Hearings are open to the public. If you would like to attend, you are invited to contact the Appeal Board administration by email at or call 403‑268‑5312.

Hearings are usually scheduled for the last Tuesday of every month commencing at 9 a.m.

Persons who file an appeal are encouraged to make a verbal presentation at the hearing. If you do not attend the hearing, the Board may dismiss your appeal, proceed to determine the matter, or adjourn the matter.

The order of the typical hearing is as follows:

  • The City Administration and their witnesses present their submissions first, followed by questions from the Board.
  • The appellant and their witnesses make their presentation to the Board, followed by questions from the Board.
  • The City Administration will have an opportunity to respond and provide a summary of their evidence.
  • The appellant will have the final opportunity to respond and summarize their evidence.
  • Following the public portion of the hearing, the LCSAB will end the Microsoft Teams session and meet in private to consider and decide the appeal.
  • In some cases the LCSAB may vary the order of speakers if in its judgment, that is required to conduct a fair hearing.

The Board may allow cross-examination by the parties on a case-by-case basis.

Please note that the Board is not an evidence-seeking body. It relies on the written evidence provided, as well as verbal submissions made by the parties at the hearing, as the basis for its decisions. It is therefore important that anybody appearing before the Board ensure that they present sufficient evidence to support their position.

Listed below are some suggestions that will assist you in making a presentation to the LCSAB:

  • At the beginning of your presentation, please introduce yourself for the record and state your position in favour of the appeal.
  • Introduce your witnesses. The Chair may ask the witnesses to be excluded from the hearing. They will be called upon when it is their turn to speak.
  • All communication goes ‘through the Chair.’ For example, if you have a question, you could say “Mr./Madam Chair” or “through the Chair.” This shows that you acknowledge the Chair’s authority in the hearing.
  • Stick to the issues relevant to the appeal and the Board and its jurisdiction.
  • Present your opinion regarding any errors in fact or interpretation.


If any party fails to attend, the LCSAB may proceed with the hearing and decide an appeal if it is satisfied that notice of the hearing was properly issued. It may dismiss the appeal or adjourn the matter to another meeting date.

Request for adjournment

Parties should submit a written request for an adjournment, including the reasons for the request, to the LCSAB office as soon as possible either by mail, dropping off in person at the office, or email to The Board will not adjourn a hearing unless there are compelling reasons to do so. According to the Board’s procedures, if the request is received prior to the scheduled hearing, the request will be considered by the Chair, and a written response will be sent to both parties.

If you are unable to submit a request in writing prior to the hearing, a verbal request can be made at the time of the hearing. Adjournment requests are not granted automatically. The Board considers each request on a case-by-case basis. The Board will not adjourn a hearing unless there are compelling reasons to do so.

If you are unable to attend the hearing to speak to the adjournment request, you should have someone attend on your behalf who is prepared to discuss the request and/or present your evidence and submissions to the Board, in the event the request is denied.

3. Decision

At the end of the hearing, the LCSAB will meet in private to carefully consider and decide the appeal. The LCSAB will issue a written decision with reasons for its decision within 60 days of the date of the hearing, unless the parties are notified otherwise.  



A request for withdrawal should be submitted in writing to the LCSAB office either by mail or email to at the earliest opportunity. Your cooperation prevents any unnecessary delays for the Board, and helps The City use its resources more effectively.

Contact info

Dropbox address: Dropbox on the first floor, in the back hallway past the elevators, near the postal mailboxes.
Mailing address: City Appeal Boards
The Licence and Community Standards Appeal Board #8110
P.O. Box 2100, Station M
Calgary, Alberta T2P 2M5

Telephone: 403-268-5312

Hours of operation:

8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday
Closed on holidays
