Caution | Outdoor water restrictions in effect

Stage 1 Outdoor Water Restrictions are in effect. Learn more about what you can do during this stage.

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Ward 14 - Peter Demong

May 2015 Newsletter



It always makes me happy to receive comments about what I write in this column: positive or negative. What I try to do is inform you of what The City is doing, and where I stand. Any feedback that I fuel is icing on the cake. It is the kind of participation that makes democracy work.

I recently received a comment that outlined an idea so good that I thought it was worth sharing. In March, I wrote about how The City does not pick up any recycling beyond what you can fit in your blue bin. In response, a reader suggested something that my neighbour and I are already doing: Sharing

There is absolutely no reason why you and your neighbours can’t share extra blue cart space. It could save trips to the community recycling depot, encourage recycling when people might otherwise just use the trash, and even foster a sense of community in your neighbourhood. It is a simple, but effective idea, and I’d like to hear more if you have them.

In other “spring cleaning” news, you still have until May 31 to bring your yard waste to a City landfill for free. If you haven’t already, you should visit and take advantage of the opportunity. is a very useful website, especially in the spring. Right now you can find not only more information about the spring yard waste drop-off, but also where you can properly dispose of electronics and hazardous materials. You will find a link to your community association website on, where you can find information about community cleanups in your area, and if you are unclear where you need to be taking any of your unwanted items I suggest visiting  It contains useful tips about—you guessed it—what goes where.

Before I’m done, I need to invite you to my next Aldertalk session. It will be on May 30 in the large gym at the Lake Bonavista Community Centre from noon to 2 p.m. So meet me there, and we can discuss whatever you like. You can also learn more about Aldertalk by visiting

Thanks for reading, and please feel free to contact me anytime!

- Councillor Peter Demong​


Categories: Newsletter
