Ward 14 - Peter Demong

Election rules and more...

This will be my last post for some time. Election rules are in place to make sure that we have fair and impartial elections, and they say that beyond June 1 I may not post on this website except in emergencies. That does not mean I will not still be going to meetings and addressing your concerns. You can still contact my office at calgary.ca/contactward14.

There are a couple of items I would like to share while I still have the opportunity.

Property Tax Bills

By now you have received your tax bill, or you will be very soon. Two things I think are very important for people to know are how their Councillor voted, and what their taxes are paying for. On the first point, you can find a description of how I voted on the last budget by clicking here, and the one before that by clicking here.

The second thing is important too, and addressing it was one of my favourite projects. By visiting calgary.ca/taxbreakdown you can see what percentage and amount of your property tax go to what area of the City’s budget. It was a simple concept, but making sure it is accurate, and reflects changes is a lot of work. I am very proud of it.

If you have any other questions at all, from how your tax is calculated to how to sign up for installed payments or tax assistance, you should visit calgary.ca/propertytax.

Road Activities Map

In Calgary there is Winter, and there is construction season—as they say. I want to share with you a tool that will help you navigate the construction going on this summer. It is called the Roadway Activities Map, and everyone knows how much I love maps. This interactive map will show you pretty much all of the City work that is planned. You just need to zoom in and out to see the projects from big to small. Visit maps.calgary.ca to see this, and all the other useful public maps the City has to offer.

Categories: Motions and Initiatives, Newsletter
